Item Changes

Item 5121164
Item 5121164
Item 5121165
Item 5121165
Yarn Spore
Yarn Spore

A Yarn Spore for Greenit Mush, Zomnit Mush, and Hornit Mush. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Enchanted Ink
Enchanted Ink

Enchanted Ink for the Magic Book, Aged Book, and Parchment pets. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Bun Steamer
Bun Steamer

A steamer for the Red Bean Bun, Yam Bun, and Choco Bun pets. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Oh, Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells
Oh, Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells

Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells, jingle to the grave... Grants an EXP buff for 30 minutes by the way, hey!

EXP Obtained +15%

Stacks with other EXP increasing effects.
Effect persists even after logging out and back in again.

Laughing All the Way
Laughing All the Way

Oh, what fun it is to ride and sing a slaying song tonight! Boosts stats for 30 minutes.

All Stats +15
Max HP/MP +1500
Attack Power & Magic ATT +15
Ignore Defense +15%
Boss Damage +15%

Stacks with other boost effects.
Effects disappear upon relogin.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Item 2024265
Item 2024265
Magical Scroll for Magic ATT for Two-Handed Weapons
Magical Scroll for Magic ATT for Two-Handed Weapons

Improves Magic ATT of Two-Handed weapons.

Success Rate: 100%
All Stats +3
Magic ATT +9 to +11

Ornament Box
Ornament Box

A box filled with ornaments to decorate the Dark Maplemas Tree with.
- Available until 1/14/2025 (Tue) 11:59 PM UTC during the event period.

Penguin Slide Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Penguin Slide Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Penguin Slide Mount skill for 90 days.

Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)
Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)
Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)
Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)
Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

New Ride Snow Coupon
New Ride Snow Coupon

Double-click the coupon to permanently receive a New Ride Snow.

Beep Beep Snowplow Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Beep Beep Snowplow Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Beep Beep Snowplow Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Beep Beep Snowplow Mount Coupon
Permanent Beep Beep Snowplow Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Beep Beep Snowplow mount skill.

Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol)
Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)
Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)
Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Mighty Child Gift Box
Mighty Child Gift Box

Double-click to receive a random item in your category of choice from Holly and Jolly's stash of Dark Maplemas gifts.
TWhen the box expires, it will disappear.
[Items by Category]
- [Progression]
Items used to progress characters (Experience Nodestone, Selective 8-slot Coupon, Arcane/Sacred (300/60) Symbol Selector Coupon, etc.)

- [EXP]
Items used to level up characters (3x EXP Coupon, Magnificent Growth Potion, etc.)

- [Profession]
Items used in Profession crafting (Mysterious Mineral Pouch, Mysterious Essence Pouch, Profession Coupon, Infinite Revitalizer, etc.)

- [Enhancement]
Items used to enhance other items (Karma Solid Cube, Karma Black Rebirth Flame, Spell Trace, etc.)

Health Orb
Health Orb

Health Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Level.

Riches Orb
Riches Orb

Wealth Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for EXP.

Luck Orb
Luck Orb

Luck Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Additional Option.

Love Orb
Love Orb

Love Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Symbol.

Smarts Orb
Smarts Orb

Intelligence Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Honor.

Bravery Orb
Bravery Orb

Courage Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Skill.

Blue Snake Orb
Blue Snake Orb

Double-click to choose one of the 6 orbs.

White Mammoth Mount (90 Days) Coupon
White Mammoth Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the White Mammoth Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent White Mammoth Mount Coupon
Permanent White Mammoth Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the White Mammoth mount skill.

Cobra Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Cobra Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Cobra Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Cobra Mount Coupon
Permanent Cobra Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cobra mount skill.

Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)
Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)
Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)
Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)
Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon
Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cat Cushion mount skill.

Permanent Happy New Year! Mount Coupon
Permanent Happy New Year! Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Happy New Year! mount skill.

Steadfast Child Gift Box
Steadfast Child Gift Box

Double-click to receive a random item in your category of choice from Holly and Jolly's stash of Dark Maplemas gifts, plus an extra Dark Maplemas treat.
[Items by Category]
- [Progression]
Items used to progress characters (Nodestone, Selective 4-slot Coupon, Arcane/Sacred (100/20) Symbol Selector Coupon, etc.)

- [EXP]
Items used to level up characters (2x EXP Coupon, Extreme Growth Potion, etc.)

- [Profession]
Items used in Profession crafting (Mysterious Mineral Pouch, Mysterious Essence Pouch, Infinite Revitalizer, etc.)

- [Enhancement]
Items used to enhance other items (Karma Hard Cube, Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame, Spell Trace, etc.)

- [Dark Maplemas Treat]
Items used to enhance your Dark Maplemas experience (Christmas Candy, Gingerbread Man Cookie, Tree Ornament, etc.)

Dark Maplemas Souvenir
Dark Maplemas Souvenir

Double-click to obtain the following gifts.

Dark Maplemas Medal
[Festival Memories] Dark Winter Memories

Maplemas Light Bulb Tree
Maplemas Light Bulb Tree

There's no rule that the Maplemas tree has to be on the ground. It's easy to create a festive mood using light bulbs!

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

Karma Bonus Mystical Cube
Karma Bonus Mystical Cube

A powerful cube that reconfigures a piece of untradable equipment's Bonus Potential. Does not affect existing regular Potentials.
Only usable on items with Rare-rank Bonus Potential.
Max Result: Epic

Resets Bonus Potential.

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)
Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)
Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

We Are the Snowman Cake
We Are the Snowman Cake

Coo coo ka choo! A whipped chair in the shape of a snowman. Up to 3 people can sit on it together.
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Jolly's Extradimensional Joyrider
Jolly's Extradimensional Joyrider

Jolly's favorite sleigh, adapted to work in a universe limited to light speeds. Restores 100 HP and
100 MP every 10 seconds.

Ice Dancing Rink
Ice Dancing Rink

Enjoying ice skating... Recovers 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Beguiling Chair
Beguiling Chair

The longer you sit here... the more confident you feel. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Today's Rain, Tomorrow's Light Chair
Today's Rain, Tomorrow's Light Chair

No rain lasts forever. If you're feeling down, remember: all storms pass, and the sun will shine on you again. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Maple Terrarium Chair
Maple Terrarium Chair

A beautiful terrarium, with a thriving ecosystem of cute monsters. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Blue Snake Chair
Blue Snake Chair

A Blue Snake Chair given to those who learned the scaly wisdom of the Snake Expert. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Manic Dancer Limbo Chair
Manic Dancer Limbo Chair

Dance with Limbo! OR ELSE! Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Ex's Toothy Grin
Ex's Toothy Grin

Ex got an... interesting update. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

True Power Snake Chair
True Power Snake Chair

A scroll with a stylish snake painted on it. It's so realistic! Suspiciously realistic... Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Snowy Mountain Survivor Chair
Snowy Mountain Survivor Chair

The only chair you need if you're ever trapped in the snowy mountains, with no place to go. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Sparkling Maplemas Ornament Chair
Sparkling Maplemas Ornament Chair

A chair glittering with sparkling Maplemas ornaments. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Maplemas Pop-up Book Chair
Maplemas Pop-up Book Chair

Even looking at this Maplemas Pop-up Book Chair makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Install 3019441
Install 3019441
Chilling Gaze
Chilling Gaze

There's a chill running down your spine, as if you're watched by hungry eyes...
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Bloody-legged Spider
Bloody-legged Spider

Come on closer, won't you please, so we can dance and we can feast?
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Old Cobweb
Old Cobweb

The best thing about decorating with cobwebs is how, if you wait long enough, they'll hang themselves up.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Dark Socks
Dark Socks

In the Dark Maplemas dimension, we only like to wear socks when they're wet.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Broken Gingerbread Man
Broken Gingerbread Man

A broken gingerbread men, doing his best to hold it all together.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Melted Candle
Melted Candle

This half-melted candle has shed its eerie light on many a dark and dreadful Maplemas night.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Sour Candy Cane
Sour Candy Cane

This made with the finest spoiled peppermint Maple World had to offer.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Black Cat
Black Cat

There's nothing cuter than a cat's mischief and nothing scarier than its malice.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Slay Bell
Slay Bell

If you listen carefully, the ringing noise it makes sounds like a scream.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Growling Maw
Growling Maw

Be careful with your fingers when hanging this one up, unless you think you have too many.
An ornament for the Dark Maplemas Tree.

Install 3802052
Install 3802052
Install 3802053
Install 3802053
Install 3801957
Install 3801957
Install 3801960
Install 3801960
Greenit Mush
Greenit Mush

A Greenit Mush pet.

Zomnit Mush
Zomnit Mush

A Zomnit Mush pet.

Hornit Mush
Hornit Mush

A Hornit Mush pet.

Magic Book
Magic Book

A Magic Book pet.

Aged Book
Aged Book

An Aged Book pet.


A Parchment pet.

Red Bean Bun
Red Bean Bun

A subtly sweet red bean bun that's also a pet!

Yam Bun
Yam Bun

A captivatingly craveable yam bun that's also a pet!

Choco Bun
Choco Bun

A delightfully decadent chocolate bun that's also a pet!


An adorable Snowman that is also very active. May seem a little rude at times, but the more it is loved, the more affable it becomes.

Knit Mush Pet Set
Knit Mush Pet Set

An Knit Mushroom Pets Package.

If you equip any Knit Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Greenit Mush Pet Set
Greenit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Green Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Green Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Hornit Mush Pet Set
Hornit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Horned Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Horned Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Zomnit Mush Pet Set
Zomnit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Zombie Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Zombie Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Cozy Cardigan Set
Cozy Cardigan Set
Lovely Cardigan Set
Lovely Cardigan Set
Stroll down Memory Lane Set
Stroll down Memory Lane Set
Walk down Reminiscence Road Set
Walk down Reminiscence Road Set
Archival Pet Set
Archival Pet Set
Magic Book Pet Set
Magic Book Pet Set
Aged Book Pet Set
Aged Book Pet Set
Parchment Pet Set
Parchment Pet Set
Glacial Knight Set
Glacial Knight Set
Glacial Queen Set
Glacial Queen Set
Maplemas Spirit Elf Set
Maplemas Spirit Elf Set
Maplemas Spirit Soldier Set
Maplemas Spirit Soldier Set
Express Mail Winter Set
Express Mail Winter Set
Express Mail Snowdrift Set
Express Mail Snowdrift Set
Too Cool to Be Cold White Set
Too Cool to Be Cold White Set
Too Cool to Be Cold Black Set
Too Cool to Be Cold Black Set
Snake God Knight Set
Snake God Knight Set
Snake God Shamaness Set
Snake God Shamaness Set
Snuggly Teddy Cozy Set
Snuggly Teddy Cozy Set
Snuggly Teddy Pastel Set
Snuggly Teddy Pastel Set
Item skill
Item skill

id: Old: 701 -> New: 604

skillId: Old: 80011938 -> New: 80002641

reqLevel: Old: 75 -> New: 100

Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry
Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry

A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-click to give life to a Wonder Pet or special item using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry purchased with NX can be traded once before use.
cThe Wonderberry list is replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items and rates can be viewed from the website > The Game > Random Box Rates.

OLD: A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-
to give life to a Wonder
Pet or special item
using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from
Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry
purchased with NX can be
traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)
The Wonderberry list is
replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items
and rates can be viewed from
the website > The Game >
Random Box Rates.

NEW: A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-click to give life to a Wonder Pet or special item using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry purchased with NX can be traded once before use.
cThe Wonderberry list is replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items and rates can be viewed from the website > The Game > Random Box Rates.

Maple Style Magazine
Maple Style Magazine

You're on the cover of Maple Style Magazine!
Recovers 100 HP and 50 MP every 10 sec.

OLD: 메이플 스타일 매거진

NEW: Maple Style Magazine

OLD: 메이플 스타일 매거진의 표지를 장식하며..
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

NEW: You're on the cover of Maple Style Magazine!
Recovers 100 HP and 50 MP every 10 sec.

Hero Package Selector Coupon
Hero Package Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose one of the following packages.

- Hero Aran Package(M/F)
- Hero Shade Package (M/F)
- Hero Evan Package (M/F)
- Hero Luminous Package (M/F)
- Hero Mercedes Package (M/F)
- Hero Phantom Package (M/F)

OLD: Double-click to choose one of the following packages.

- Heroic Aran Package(M/F)
- Heroic Shade Package (M/F)
- Heroic Evan Package (M/F)
- Heroic Luminous Package (M/F)
- Heroic Mercedes Package (M/F)
- Heroic Phantom Package (M/F)

NEW: Double-click to choose one of the following packages.

- Hero Aran Package(M/F)
- Hero Shade Package (M/F)
- Hero Evan Package (M/F)
- Hero Luminous Package (M/F)
- Hero Mercedes Package (M/F)
- Hero Phantom Package (M/F)

Desert Rabbit Label Ring Coupon (30 Days)
Desert Rabbit Label Ring Coupon (30 Days)

Double-click to receive a Desert Rabbit Label Ring (30 Days).

OLD: [30일] 모래토끼 명찰 반지 교환권

NEW: Desert Rabbit Label Ring Coupon (30 Days)

OLD: 더블클릭하면 [30일] 모래토끼 명찰 반지를 받을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to receive a Desert Rabbit Label Ring (30 Days).

Desert Rabbit Chat Ring Coupon (30 Days)
Desert Rabbit Chat Ring Coupon (30 Days)

Double-click to receive a Desert Rabbit Chat Ring (30 Days).

OLD: [30일] 모래토끼 말풍선 반지 교환권

NEW: Desert Rabbit Chat Ring Coupon (30 Days)

OLD: 더블클릭하면 [30일] 모래토끼 말풍선 반지를 받을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to receive a Desert Rabbit Chat Ring (30 Days).

Spiegelmann's Magic Hat: Pet
Spiegelmann's Magic Hat: Pet

Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

OLD: Double-click to obtain an
Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items
obtained from Spiegelmann's
Magic Hat can be traded once
before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)

NEW: Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat: Pet
Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat: Pet

Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

OLD: Double-click to obtain an
Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items
obtained from Spiegelmann's
Grand Magic Hat can be
traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)

NEW: Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

Item Drop Rate Increase Potion
Item Drop Rate Increase Potion

A mysterious potion that increases Item Drop Rate by 50% for 5 minutes.

OLD: A mysterious potion that increases Item Drop Rate by 200% for 5 minutes.

NEW: A mysterious potion that increases Item Drop Rate by 50% for 5 minutes.

Lava Stone Rebirth Flame
Lava Stone Rebirth Flame

Use on an Ancient Slate Replica item to give it bonus stats. If the Rebirth Flame is used on equipment that already has bonus stats, then that item's bonus stats will be reselected.

Ancient Slate Replica only
Success Rate: 100%
Gives equipment powerful additional stats

createType: Old: 101 -> New: 21

Lava Stone Rebirth Flame
Lava Stone Rebirth Flame

Use on an Ancient Slate Replica item to give it bonus stats. If the Rebirth Flame is used on equipment that already has bonus stats, then that item's bonus stats will be reselected.

Ancient Slate Replica only
Success Rate: 100%
Gives equipment powerful additional stats

createType: Old: 101 -> New: 21

Advanced Hunter Pouch
Advanced Hunter Pouch

A fancy pouch from the Bounty Hunters. Double-click to obtain one of the following items:

Pollo's Friend Medal
Powerful Rebirth Flame
Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
Innocence Scroll 50%
Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%
Golden Hammer 50%
Epic Potential Scroll 50%
Intermediate Hunter's Honor Medal
Spell Trace x100
Spell Trace x500

OLD: A fancy pouch from the Bounty Hunters. Double-click to obtain one of the following items:

Pollo's Friend Medal
Powerful Rebirth Flame
Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
Innocence Scroll 50%
Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%
Golden Hammer 50%
Epic Potential Scroll 50%
Chaos Scroll 100%
Intermediate Hunter's Honor Medal
Mystical Cube
Hard Cube
Spell Trace x500

NEW: A fancy pouch from the Bounty Hunters. Double-click to obtain one of the following items:

Pollo's Friend Medal
Powerful Rebirth Flame
Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
Innocence Scroll 50%
Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%
Golden Hammer 50%
Epic Potential Scroll 50%
Intermediate Hunter's Honor Medal
Spell Trace x100
Spell Trace x500

V Gift Box II
V Gift Box II

Double-click to obtain various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- Golden Apple Coupon
(In Heroic World, contains Mysterious Meso Pouch instead of Golden Apple.)
- Super Megaphone Coupon
- Miu Miu the Traveling Merchant Coupon
- Buff Freezer Coupon
- Respawn Token Coupon
- Safety Charm

OLD: Double-click to obtain various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- Golden Apple Coupon
(In a Heroic World, contains Mysterious Meso Pouch instead of Golden Apple.)
- Super Megaphone Coupon
- Miu Miu the Traveling Merchant Coupon
- Buff Freezer Coupon
- Respawn Token Coupon
- Safety Charm

NEW: Double-click to obtain various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- Golden Apple Coupon
(In Heroic World, contains Mysterious Meso Pouch instead of Golden Apple.)
- Super Megaphone Coupon
- Miu Miu the Traveling Merchant Coupon
- Buff Freezer Coupon
- Respawn Token Coupon
- Safety Charm

Cool Lucid Hair Coupon
Cool Lucid Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool Lucid Hair (M).

OLD: 시원한 루시드 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Cool Lucid Hair Coupon

Butter Hair Coupon
Butter Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Butter Hair.

OLD: 버터 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Butter Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [버터 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Butter Hair.

Dragon Master Hair Coupon
Dragon Master Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dragon Master Hair.

OLD: 드래곤 마스터 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Dragon Master Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [드래곤 마스터 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dragon Master Hair.

White Mage Hair Coupon
White Mage Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to White Mage Hair.

OLD: 하얀 마법사 헤어쿠폰

NEW: White Mage Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [하얀 마법사 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to White Mage Hair.

Chess Hair Coupon
Chess Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Chess Hair.

OLD: 체스 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Chess Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [체스 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Chess Hair.

Bangin' Boyband Hair Coupon
Bangin' Boyband Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bangin' Boyband Hair.

OLD: 블링 수호 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bangin' Boyband Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 수호 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bangin' Boyband Hair.

Bling Butter Hair Coupon
Bling Butter Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Butter Hair.

OLD: 블링 버터 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bling Butter Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 버터 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Butter Hair.

Dark Miro Hair Coupon
Dark Miro Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dark Miro Hair.

OLD: 다크 미로 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Dark Miro Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [다크 미로 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dark Miro Hair.

Bling Bed Head Hair Coupon
Bling Bed Head Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Bed Head Hair.

OLD: 블링 요정윙 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bling Bed Head Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 요정윙 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Bed Head Hair.

Bling Narang Hair Coupon
Bling Narang Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Narang Hair.

OLD: 블링 나랑 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bling Narang Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 나랑 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Narang Hair.

Blae Hair Coupon
Blae Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Blae Hair.

OLD: 블레이 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Blae Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블레이 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Blae Hair.

Dark Hushy Hair Coupon
Dark Hushy Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dark Hushy Hair.

OLD: 다크 허쉬 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Dark Hushy Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [다크 허쉬 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Dark Hushy Hair.

Cool Lucid Hair Coupon
Cool Lucid Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool Lucid Hair (F).

OLD: 시원한 루시드 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Cool Lucid Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [시원한 루시드 헤어(여)]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool Lucid Hair (F).

Braided Star Hair Coupon
Braided Star Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Braided Star Hair.

OLD: 땋은별 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Braided Star Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [땋은별 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Braided Star Hair.

Lovable Locks Coupon
Lovable Locks Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Lovable Locks.

OLD: 미나 헤어쿠폰

NEW: Lovable Locks Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [미나 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Lovable Locks.

Half Chickpea Hair Coupon
Half Chickpea Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Half Chickpea Hair.

OLD: 반쪽 병아리콩 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Half Chickpea Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [반쪽 병아리콩 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Half Chickpea Hair.

Cool School Girl Pigtails Coupon
Cool School Girl Pigtails Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool School Girl Pigtails.

OLD: 시원한 아침등교 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Cool School Girl Pigtails Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [시원한 아침등교 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool School Girl Pigtails.

Bling Long Hair with Blunt Bangs Coupon
Bling Long Hair with Blunt Bangs Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Long Hair with Blunt Bangs.

OLD: 블링 하리화 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bling Long Hair with Blunt Bangs Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 하리화 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Long Hair with Blunt Bangs.

Cool Wonder Bunny Hair Coupon
Cool Wonder Bunny Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool Wonder Bunny Hair.

OLD: 시원한 원더 바니 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Cool Wonder Bunny Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [시원한 원더 바니 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Cool Wonder Bunny Hair.

Bling Festival Hair Coupon
Bling Festival Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Festival Hair.

OLD: 블링 페스티벌 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Bling Festival Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [블링 페스티벌 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Bling Festival Hair.

Quiet Bob Hair Coupon
Quiet Bob Hair Coupon

Double-click to change your hairstyle to Quiet Bob Hair.

OLD: 조용한 단발 헤어 쿠폰

NEW: Quiet Bob Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 헤어스타일을 [조용한 단발 헤어]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your hairstyle to Quiet Bob Hair.

1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon
1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to receive 1 item of your choice from the 3 types of event rings.

- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive
ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

Sacred Symbol Selector x1 Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector x1 Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium

OLD: Double-click to select a Sacred Symbol to receive from one of the regions you have completed.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

Symbol Selector Coupon
Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain one of the following items:

- Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon x100
- Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon x25

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred
between your characters within the same world.

- Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon x100
- Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon x25

- The items that can be exchanged for the Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon are Sacred Symbol: Cernium / Sacred Symbol: Arcus.

- Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon x100
- Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon x25

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred
between your characters within the same world.

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

OLD: Double-click to select a Sacred Symbol to receive from the regions you have completed.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon
1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to receive 1 item of your choice from the 3 types of event rings.

- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus

OLD: Double-click to select a Sacred Symbol to receive from the regions you have completed.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La

OLD: Double-click to select a Sacred Symbol to receive from the regions you have completed.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

OLD: Double-click to select a Sacred Symbol to receive from one of the regions you have completed.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

Event Ring Selector Coupon (Unique)
Event Ring Selector Coupon (Unique)

Double-click to receive an Event Ring Exclusive Unique Potential Scroll 100% and Event Ring Coupon where you choose 1.

- Master Ring SS
- Vengeful Ring
- Synergy Ring
- Cosmos Ring
- Chaos Ring
- Complete Sylph Ring
- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring
- Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring
- Abyss Hunter Ring

* The coupon you obtain is untradable.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

Heroic Tenebris Expedition Ring (Complete) Coupon
Heroic Tenebris Expedition Ring (Complete) Coupon

Double-click to obtain a Tenebris Expedition Ring with Rare Grade potential.
Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have a Tenebris Expedition Ring.

OLD: Double-click to obtain a Heroic Tenebris Expedition Ring (Complete).

* Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have a Heroic Tenebris Expedition Ring (Complete).

NEW: Double-click to obtain a Tenebris Expedition Ring with Rare Grade potential.

OLD: ※ 주의 : 이미 테네브리스 원정대 반지를 가지고 있는 경우 교환권을 사용할 수 없습니다.

NEW: Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have a Tenebris Expedition Ring.

0: Old: 1114307 -> New: 1114311

1: Old: 2643131 -> New: None

Event Ring Selector Coupon (Legendary)
Event Ring Selector Coupon (Legendary)

Double-click to receive an Event Ring Exc. Leg. Potential Scroll 100% and Event Ring Coupon where you choose 1.

- Master Ring SS
- Vengeful Ring
- Synergy Ring
- Cosmos Ring
- Chaos Ring
- Complete Sylph Ring
- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring
- Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring
- Abyss Hunter Ring

* The coupon you obtain is untradable.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

Heroic Awake Ring (Lv. 4) Coupon
Heroic Awake Ring (Lv. 4) Coupon

Double-click to obtain an Awake Ring with Rare potential.
Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have an Awake Ring.

OLD: Double-click to obtain a Heroic Awake Ring (Lv. 4).

* Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have a Heroic Awake Ring (Lv. 4).

NEW: Double-click to obtain an Awake Ring with Rare potential.

OLD: ※ 주의 : 이미 어웨이크 링을 가지고 있는 경우 교환권을 사용할 수 없습니다.

NEW: Warning: You cannot use this coupon if you already have an Awake Ring.

addTooltip: Old: 1114318 -> New: 1114322

Event Ring Selector Coupon
Event Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following Event Ring Coupons:

- Master Ring SS
- Vengeful Ring
- Synergy Ring
- Cosmos Ring
- Cosmos Ring
- Chaos Ring
- Complete Sylph Ring
- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring
- Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring
- Abyss Hunter Ring

* Obtained coupon cannot be traded.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring include exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* Each of your characters can only have 1 of the following rings: Complete Sylph Ring, Tenebris Expedition Ring, Glory Guard Ring: Justicar, Awake Ring, Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring, and Abyss Hunter Ring.

* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring include exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* Each of your characters can only have 1 of the following rings: Complete Sylph Ring, Tenebris Expedition Ring, Glory Guard Ring: Justicar, Awake Ring, Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring, and Abyss Hunter Ring.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring include exclusive scrolls.

* The Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring and Abyss Hunter Ring are given immediately upon using the selector coupon.

* Each of your characters can only have 1 of the following rings: Complete Sylph Ring, Tenebris Expedition Ring, Glory Guard Ring: Justicar, Awake Ring, Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring, and Abyss Hunter Ring.

Compensation Box
Compensation Box

Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

OLD: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x6

NEW: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

Compensation Box
Compensation Box

Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

OLD: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x10
- Special Medal of Honor x3

NEW: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

Compensation Box
Compensation Box

Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- 3x EXP Coupon (30 min) x5
- Special Medal of Honor x5
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x1
- Extreme Growth Potion x1

NEW: None

Compensation Box
Compensation Box

Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

OLD: Double-click to receive various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x36
- Special Medal of Honor x10
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x3
- Selective 8-slot Coupon x4
- Extreme Growth Potion x1
- Growth Potion Selector Coupon x1
- Eternal Rebirth Flame x10

NEW: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

Compensation Box
Compensation Box

Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

OLD: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x40
- Special Medal of Honor x15
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x4
- Selective 8-slot Coupon x6
- Extreme Growth Potion x2
- Growth Potion Selector Coupon x2
- Eternal Rebirth Flame x15
- Miracle Circulator (7 Days) x7 Coupon x1
- Mystery Colorblend Eye Color Coupon x1
- Mystery Mix Dye Coupon x1

NEW: Double-click to get various gifts. The box will disappear when it expires.

Compensation Box Coupon
Compensation Box Coupon

Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

OLD: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x6

NEW: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

Compensation Box Coupon
Compensation Box Coupon

Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

OLD: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x10
- Special Medal of Honor x3

NEW: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

Compensation Box Coupon
Compensation Box Coupon

Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

- 3x EXP Coupon (30 min) x5
- Special Medal of Honor x5
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x1
- Extreme Growth Potion x1

NEW: None

Compensation Box Coupon
Compensation Box Coupon

Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

OLD: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x36
- Special Medal of Honor x10
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x3
- Selective 8-slot Coupon x4
- Extreme Growth Potion x1
- Growth Potion Selector Coupon x1
- Eternal Rebirth Flame x10

NEW: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

Compensation Box Coupon
Compensation Box Coupon

Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

OLD: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

- 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x40
- Special Medal of Honor x15
- Symbol Selector Coupon x1
- Trait Boost Potion x4
- Selective 8-slot Coupon x6
- Extreme Growth Potion x2
- Growth Potion Selector Coupon x2
- Eternal Rebirth Flame x15
- Miracle Circulator (7 Days) x7 Coupon x1
- Mystery Colorblend Eye Color Coupon x1
- Mystery Mix Dye Coupon x1

NEW: Double-click to receive a Compensation Box from which you can obtain various gifts.
If you already have a Compensation Box, the list of rewards you can claim will expand, and the expiration date of the box will be extended.

VIP Booster Box Coupon
VIP Booster Box Coupon

A coupon used to obtain a box that contains a VIP Booster.
Double-click the coupon to receive an Untradable VIP Booster.
Obtained items are permanent and cannot be traded.

OLD: Mysterious Box

NEW: VIP Booster Box Coupon

OLD: A box with something mysterious inside. I should open it to see what it could be. If it's my lucky day, I might find an awesome gift inside.
You can open it by double-clicking on it.

NEW: A coupon used to obtain a box that contains a VIP Booster.
Double-click the coupon to receive an Untradable VIP Booster.
Obtained items are permanent and cannot be traded.

z: Old: 0 -> New: None

slotMax: Old: 1 -> New: 99

Inspector's Meso Pouch
Inspector's Meso Pouch

A pouch carried by inspectors that holds some amount of Mesos.

meso: Old: 500000 -> New: 5000000

prob: Old: 50 -> New: 5

Inspector's Meso Pouch
Inspector's Meso Pouch

A pouch carried by inspectors that holds some amount of Mesos.

meso: Old: 500000 -> New: 5000000

prob: Old: 50 -> New: 5

Inspector's Magnificent Soul Box
Inspector's Magnificent Soul Box

Double-click to obtain one of the following items:

Magnificent Zakum Soul
Magnificent Vellum Soul
Magnificent Papulatus Soul
Magnificent Darknell Soul

OLD: Double-click to obtain the following item:

Magnificent Zakum Soul
Magnificent Vellum Soul
Magnificent Papulatus Soul
Magnificent Darknell Soul

NEW: Double-click to obtain one of the following items:

Magnificent Zakum Soul
Magnificent Vellum Soul
Magnificent Papulatus Soul
Magnificent Darknell Soul

Lv. 2 Inspector Box
Lv. 2 Inspector Box

Double-click to get the following items:

- Mysterious Essence Pouch
- Mysterious Magic Powder Pouch
- Symbol Selector Coupon
- Power Elixir
- Inspector's Meso Pouch
- EXP Voucher
- Silver Inspector Coin
- Gold Inspector Coin
- Inspector's Magnificent Soul Box

OLD: Double-click to get the following items:

- Mysterious Essence Pouch
- Mysterious Magic Powder Pouch
- Symbol Selector Coupon
- Power Elixir
- Inspector's Meso Pouch
- EXP Voucher
- Silver Inspector Coin
- Gold Inspector Coin

NEW: Double-click to get the following items:

- Mysterious Essence Pouch
- Mysterious Magic Powder Pouch
- Symbol Selector Coupon
- Power Elixir
- Inspector's Meso Pouch
- EXP Voucher
- Silver Inspector Coin
- Gold Inspector Coin
- Inspector's Magnificent Soul Box

Festival Record Box
Festival Record Box

Double-click to obtain the following gifts.

- Festival Record x1 Coupon

OLD: Double-click to obtain the following gifts.

- Festival Record x1 Coupon x1,000

NEW: Double-click to obtain the following gifts.

- Festival Record x1 Coupon

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

OLD: 그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 교환권

NEW: Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

OLD: 더블 클릭해서 사용하면 그랜드 어센틱심볼 : 탈라하트 를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

OLD: 그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 교환권

NEW: Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

OLD: 더블 클릭해서 사용하면 그랜드 어센틱심볼 : 탈라하트 를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon

Double-click to obtain the following item:

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1

OLD: 그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 1개 교환권

NEW: Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 아이템을 획득할 수 있다.

그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 1개

NEW: Double-click to obtain the following item:

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1

1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon
1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to receive 1 item of your choice from the 3 types of event rings.

- Tenebris Expedition Ring
- Glory Guard Ring: Justicar
- Awake Ring

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* If used in a Heroic World, a Heroic-exclusive ring will be given.

* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.


* The Tenebris Expedition Ring and the Awake Ring will be given together with their respective exclusive scrolls.

* You can have only 1 ring each from the 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon per character.

Toothy Smirk Face Coupon Voucher
Toothy Smirk Face Coupon Voucher

Double-click to obtain a Toothy Smirk Face Coupon. (Untradeable, permanent)

OLD: 깨비깨비 성형 쿠폰 교환권

NEW: Toothy Smirk Face Coupon Voucher

OLD: 더블클릭하면 깨비깨비 성형 쿠폰을 받을 수 있다. (교환불가, 영구 아이템)

NEW: Double-click to obtain a Toothy Smirk Face Coupon. (Untradeable, permanent)

Flushed Toothy Smirk Coupon
Flushed Toothy Smirk Coupon

Double-click to obtain Flushed Toothy Smirk (Face Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

Caution! For some faces with big or special mouth shapes, or big eyes, equipping Flushed Toothy Smirk will also display the face at the same time, making the character's face appear strange.

OLD: 발그레 깨비깨비 교환권

NEW: Flushed Toothy Smirk Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 발그레 깨비깨비(얼굴장식)를 받을 수 있다. (교환불가, 영구 아이템)

주의! 커다랗거나 특이한 입매나 큰 눈동자의 일부 성형은 발그레 깨비깨비 얼굴장식 착용 시 성형과 얼굴장식 이미지가 동시 출력되어 캐릭터 얼굴이 어그러져 보일 수 있습니다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain Flushed Toothy Smirk (Face Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

Caution! For some faces with big or special mouth shapes, or big eyes, equipping Flushed Toothy Smirk will also display the face at the same time, making the character's face appear strange.

Blushing Toothy Smirk Coupon
Blushing Toothy Smirk Coupon

Double-click to obtain Blushing Toothy Smirk (Face Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

Caution! For some faces with big or special mouth shapes, or big eyes, equipping Blushing Toothy Smirk will also display the face at the same time, making the character's face appear strange.

OLD: 홍조 깨비깨비 교환권

NEW: Blushing Toothy Smirk Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 홍조 깨비깨비(얼굴장식)를 받을 수 있다. (교환불가, 영구 아이템)

주의! 커다랗거나 특이한 입매나 큰 눈동자의 일부 성형은 홍조 깨비깨비 얼굴장식 착용 시 성형과 얼굴장식 이미지가 동시 출력되어 캐릭터 얼굴이 어그러져 보일 수 있습니다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain Blushing Toothy Smirk (Face Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

Caution! For some faces with big or special mouth shapes, or big eyes, equipping Blushing Toothy Smirk will also display the face at the same time, making the character's face appear strange.

Omega Sector Intruder Coupon
Omega Sector Intruder Coupon

Double-click to obtain Omega Sector Intruder (Eye Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

OLD: 지구방위본부의 침입자 교환권

NEW: Omega Sector Intruder Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 지구방위본부의 침입자(눈장식)를 받을 수 있다. (교환불가, 영구 아이템)

NEW: Double-click to obtain Omega Sector Intruder (Eye Accessory). (Untradeable, permanent)

Permanent Royal Wonder 1st - 5th Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon
Permanent Royal Wonder 1st - 5th Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following Chat or Label Rings:

[Chat Rings]
- Forest Dori Chat Ring
- Forest Dari Chat Ring
- Forest Finca Chat Ring
- Rose Glodeer Chat Ring
- Mint Glodeer Chat Ring
- Iris Glodeer Chat Ring
- Mysteria Chat Ring
- Cirra Chat Ring
- Sparklie Chat Ring
- Peng Peng Chat Ring
- Toddle Chat Ring
- Puff Chat Ring
- Serena Chat Ring
- Cosmo Rabbit Chat Ring
- Amethyst Chat Ring

[Label Rings]
- Forest Dori Label Ring
- Forest Dari Label Ring
- Forest Finca Label Ring
- Rose Glodeer Label Ring
- Mint Glodeer Label Ring
- Iris Glodeer Label Ring
- Mysteria Label Ring
- Cirra Label Ring
- Sparklie Label Ring
- Peng Peng Label Ring
- Toddle Label Ring
- Puff Label Ring
- Serena Label Ring
- Cosmo Rabbit Label Ring
- Amethyst Label Ring

OLD: 원더 블랙 1~5기 말풍선/명찰 반지(영구) 선택권

NEW: Permanent Royal Wonder 1st - 5th Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 아래 목록의 말풍선 반지 또는 명찰 반지 중 1가지를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.

[말풍선 반지]
- 숲 속 도리 말풍선 반지
- 숲 속 다롱 말풍선 반지
- 숲 속 윙클 말풍선 반지
- 로즈 디어 말풍선 반지
- 그린 디어 말풍선 반지
- 라벤더 디어 말풍선 반지
- 신비 말풍선 반지
- 구름 말풍선 반지
- 반짝 말풍선 반지
- 펭펭이 말풍선 반지
- 핑핑이 말풍선 반지
- 퐁퐁이 말풍선 반지
- 세레나 말풍선 반지
- 코스모빗 말풍선 반지
- 아메시스트 말풍선 반지

[명찰 반지]
- 숲 속 도리 명찰 반지
- 숲 속 다롱 명찰 반지
- 숲 속 윙클 명찰 반지
- 로즈 디어 명찰 반지
- 그린 디어 명찰 반지
- 라벤더 디어 명찰 반지
- 신비 명찰 반지
- 구름 명찰 반지
- 반짝 명찰 반지
- 펭펭이 명찰 반지
- 핑핑이 명찰 반지
- 퐁퐁이 명찰 반지
- 세레나 명찰 반지
- 코스모빗 명찰 반지
- 아메시스트 명찰 반지

NEW: Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following Chat or Label Rings:

[Chat Rings]
- Forest Dori Chat Ring
- Forest Dari Chat Ring
- Forest Finca Chat Ring
- Rose Glodeer Chat Ring
- Mint Glodeer Chat Ring
- Iris Glodeer Chat Ring
- Mysteria Chat Ring
- Cirra Chat Ring
- Sparklie Chat Ring
- Peng Peng Chat Ring
- Toddle Chat Ring
- Puff Chat Ring
- Serena Chat Ring
- Cosmo Rabbit Chat Ring
- Amethyst Chat Ring

[Label Rings]
- Forest Dori Label Ring
- Forest Dari Label Ring
- Forest Finca Label Ring
- Rose Glodeer Label Ring
- Mint Glodeer Label Ring
- Iris Glodeer Label Ring
- Mysteria Label Ring
- Cirra Label Ring
- Sparklie Label Ring
- Peng Peng Label Ring
- Toddle Label Ring
- Puff Label Ring
- Serena Label Ring
- Cosmo Rabbit Label Ring
- Amethyst Label Ring

Permanent Pet Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon
Permanent Pet Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following Chat or Label Rings:

[Chat Rings]
- Lil Cygnus Chat Ring
- Lil Mercedes Chat Ring
- Lil Aran Chat Ring
- Lil Phantom Chat Ring
- Lil Luminous Chat Ring
- Lil Evan Chat Ring
- Lil Shade Chat Ring

[Label Rings]
- Lil Cygnus Label Ring
- Lil Mercedes Label Ring
- Lil Aran Label Ring
- Lil Phantom Label Ring
- Lil Luminous Label Ring
- Lil Evan Label Ring
- Lil Shade Label Ring

OLD: 펫 말풍선/명찰 반지(영구) 선택권

NEW: Permanent Pet Chat/Label Ring Selector Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 아래 목록의 말풍선 반지 또는 명찰 반지 중 1가지를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.

[말풍선 반지]
- 쁘띠 시그너스 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 메르 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 아란 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 팬텀 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 루미 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 에반 말풍선 반지
- 쁘띠 은월 말풍선 반지

[명찰 반지]
- 쁘띠 시그너스 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 메르 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 아란 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 팬텀 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 루미 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 에반 명찰 반지
- 쁘띠 은월 명찰 반지

NEW: Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following Chat or Label Rings:

[Chat Rings]
- Lil Cygnus Chat Ring
- Lil Mercedes Chat Ring
- Lil Aran Chat Ring
- Lil Phantom Chat Ring
- Lil Luminous Chat Ring
- Lil Evan Chat Ring
- Lil Shade Chat Ring

[Label Rings]
- Lil Cygnus Label Ring
- Lil Mercedes Label Ring
- Lil Aran Label Ring
- Lil Phantom Label Ring
- Lil Luminous Label Ring
- Lil Evan Label Ring
- Lil Shade Label Ring

Colorful Cat Ear Selector Coupon
Colorful Cat Ear Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose one of the following items:

- Sweet Pink Cat Ears (Hat)
- Snow White Cat Ears (Hat)
- Inky Black Cat Ears (Hat)

OLD: 컬러즈 캣 헤어핀 선택권

NEW: Colorful Cat Ear Selector Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 아래 아이템 중 1가지를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.

- 러블리 핑크 캣(모자)
- 퓨어 화이트 캣(모자)
- 다크 블랙 캣(모자)

NEW: Double-click to choose one of the following items:

- Sweet Pink Cat Ears (Hat)
- Snow White Cat Ears (Hat)
- Inky Black Cat Ears (Hat)

Master Fairy Set Coupon
Master Fairy Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain a Master Fairy Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 1기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Fairy Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 1기 마스터 페어리 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain a Master Fairy Set.

Master Pony Set Coupon
Master Pony Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Pony Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 2기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Pony Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 2기 마스터 포니 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Pony Set.

Master Glowy Butterfly Set Coupon
Master Glowy Butterfly Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Glowy Butterfly Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 3기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Glowy Butterfly Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 3기 마스터 초롱나비 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Glowy Butterfly Set.

Dread Master Set Coupon
Dread Master Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Dread Master Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 4기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Dread Master Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 4기 마스터 죽음의 데스 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Dread Master Set.

Timemaster Set Coupon
Timemaster Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Timemaster Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 5기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Timemaster Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 5기 마스터 타임 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Timemaster Set.

Master Flora Set Coupon
Master Flora Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Flora Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 6기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Flora Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 6기 마스터 플로라 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Flora Set.

Snow Royals Set Coupon
Snow Royals Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Snow Royals Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 7기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Snow Royals Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 7기 마스터 스노우 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Snow Royals Set.

Master Crimson Set Coupon
Master Crimson Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Crimson Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 8기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Crimson Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 8기 마스터 블러드 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Crimson Set.

Master Stellar Set Coupon
Master Stellar Set Coupon

Double-click the Master Stellar Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 9기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Stellar Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 9기 마스터 스텔라 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click the Master Stellar Set.

Master Shadow Set Coupon
Master Shadow Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Shadow Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 10기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Shadow Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 10기 마스터 쉐도우 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Shadow Set.

Master Star Messenger Set Coupon
Master Star Messenger Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Star Messenger Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 11기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Star Messenger Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 11기 마스터 별의 전령 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Star Messenger Set.

Master Maze Set Coupon
Master Maze Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Maze Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 12기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Maze Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 12기 마스터 메이즈 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Maze Set.

Master Destiny Set Coupon
Master Destiny Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Destiny Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 13기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Destiny Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 13기 마스터 데스티니 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Destiny Set.

Master Nightmare Set Coupon
Master Nightmare Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Nightmare Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 14기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Nightmare Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 14기 마스터 나이트메어 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Nightmare Set.

Master Serenity Set Coupon
Master Serenity Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Serenity Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 15기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Serenity Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 15기 마스터 세레니티 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Serenity Set.

Master Fairy Hair Coupon
Master Fairy Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Fairy Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 1기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Fairy Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 1기 마스터 페어리 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Fairy Hair of your choice.

Master Pony Hair Coupon
Master Pony Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Pony Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 2기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Pony Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 2기 마스터 포니 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Pony Hair of your choice.

Master Glowy Butterfly Hair Coupon
Master Glowy Butterfly Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Glowy Butterfly Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 3기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Glowy Butterfly Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 3기 마스터 초롱나비 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Glowy Butterfly Hair of your choice.

Dread Master Hair Coupon
Dread Master Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Dread Master Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 4기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Dread Master Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 4기 마스터 죽음의 데스 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Dread Master Hair of your choice.

Timemaster Hair Coupon
Timemaster Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Timemaster Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 5기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Timemaster Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 5기 마스터 타임 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Timemaster Hair of your choice.

Master Flora Hair Coupon
Master Flora Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Flora Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 6기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Flora Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 6기 마스터 플로라 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Flora Hair of your choice.

Snow Royals Hair Coupon
Snow Royals Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Snow Royals Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 7기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Snow Royals Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 7기 마스터 스노우 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Snow Royals Hair of your choice.

Master Crimson Set Coupon
Master Crimson Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Master Crimson Set.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 8기 풀 패키지 교환권

NEW: Master Crimson Set Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 8기 마스터 블러드 세트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Master Crimson Set.

Master Stellar Hair Coupon
Master Stellar Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Stellar Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 9기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Stellar Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 9기 마스터 스텔라 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Stellar Hair of your choice.

Master Shadow Hair Coupon
Master Shadow Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Shadow Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 10기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Shadow Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 10기 마스터 쉐도우 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Shadow Hair of your choice.

Master Star Messenger Hair Coupon
Master Star Messenger Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Star Messenger Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 11기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Star Messenger Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 11기 마스터 별의 전령 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Star Messenger Hair of your choice.

Master Maze Hair Coupon
Master Maze Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Maze Hair of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 12기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Maze Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 12기 마스터 메이즈 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Maze Hair of your choice.

Master Destiny Hair Coupon
Master Destiny Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Label 13 Master Destiny Hair Coupon of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 13기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Destiny Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 13기 마스터 데스티니 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Label 13 Master Destiny Hair Coupon of your choice.

Master Nightmare Hair Coupon
Master Nightmare Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Label 14 Master Nightmare Hair Coupon of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 14기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Nightmare Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 14기 마스터 나이트메어 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Label 14 Master Nightmare Hair Coupon of your choice.

Master Serenity Hair Coupon
Master Serenity Hair Coupon

Double-click to obtain one Master Label 15 Master Serenity Hair Coupon of your choice.

OLD: 마스터 라벨 15기 헤어 교환권

NEW: Master Serenity Hair Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 마스터 라벨 15기 마스터 세레니티 헤어쿠폰 중 1개를 선택하여 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain one Master Label 15 Master Serenity Hair Coupon of your choice.

Oberon Pet Coupon
Oberon Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Oberon, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

OLD: 오베론 펫 교환권

NEW: Oberon Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 1기 펫 오베론을 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Oberon, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

Titania Pet Coupon
Titania Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Titania, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

OLD: 티타니아 펫 교환권

NEW: Titania Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 1기 펫 티타니아를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Titania, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

Petite Pico Pet Coupon
Petite Pico Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Petite Pico, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

OLD: 쁘띠 피코 펫 교환권

NEW: Petite Pico Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 1기 펫 쁘띠 피코를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Petite Pico, a Petite Luna 1st Pet.

Victory Pet Coupon
Victory Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Victory, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

OLD: 빅토리 펫 교환권

NEW: Victory Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 2기 펫 빅토리를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Victory, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

Glory Pet Coupon
Glory Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Glory, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

OLD: 글로리 펫 교환권

NEW: Glory Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 2기 펫 글로리를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Glory, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

Lil Pony Pet Coupon
Lil Pony Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Lil Pony, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

OLD: 쁘띠 포니 펫 교환권

NEW: Lil Pony Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 2기 펫 쁘띠 포니를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Lil Pony, a Petite Luna 2nd Pet.

Dusk Pet Coupon
Dusk Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Dusk, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

OLD: 황혼 펫 교환권

NEW: Dusk Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 3기 펫 황혼을 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Dusk, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

Dawn Pet Coupon
Dawn Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Dawn, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

OLD: 신야 펫 교환권

NEW: Dawn Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 3기 펫 신야를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Dawn, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

Lil Glowy Pet Coupon
Lil Glowy Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Lil Glowy, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

OLD: 쁘띠 초롱 펫 교환권

NEW: Lil Glowy Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 3기 펫 쁘띠 초롱을 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Lil Glowy, a Petite Luna 3rd Pet.

Toth Pet Coupon
Toth Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Toth, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

OLD: 토트 펫 교환권

NEW: Toth Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 4기 펫 토트를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Toth, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

Vella Pet Coupon
Vella Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Vella, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

OLD: 벨라 펫 교환권

NEW: Vella Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 4기 펫 벨라를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Vella, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

Lil Death Pet Coupon
Lil Death Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Lil Death, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

OLD: 쁘띠 데스 펫 교환권

NEW: Lil Death Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 4기 펫 쁘띠 데스를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Lil Death, a Petite Luna 4th Pet.

Mazurka Pet Coupon
Mazurka Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Mazurka, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

OLD: 마주르카 펫 교환권

NEW: Mazurka Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 5기 펫 마주르카를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Mazurka, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

Cantabile Pet Coupon
Cantabile Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Cantabile, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

OLD: 칸타빌레 펫 교환권

NEW: Cantabile Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 5기 펫 칸타빌레를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Cantabile, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

Lil Time Pet Coupon
Lil Time Pet Coupon

Double-click to get Lil Time, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

OLD: 쁘띠 타임 펫 교환권

NEW: Lil Time Pet Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 루나 쁘띠 5기 펫 쁘띠 타임을 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to get Lil Time, a Petite Luna 5th Pet.

Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon Voucher
Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon Voucher

Double-click to obtain a Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon (Cannot be Traded, 30 Days), which lets you choose a base color and an additional color to mix in any ratio into a truly unique look.

OLD: 커스텀 믹스 컬러렌즈 쿠폰 교환권

NEW: Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon Voucher

OLD: 더블클릭해 사용하면 8가지 색상 중 베이스와 믹스 컬러를 자유로운 비율로 섞어 나만의 특별한 색깔로 눈동자색을 바꿀 수 있는 커스텀 믹스 컬러렌즈 쿠폰(교환 불가, 30일)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain a Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon (Cannot be Traded, 30 Days), which lets you choose a base color and an additional color to mix in any ratio into a truly unique look.

Permanent Vroom Vroom Pink Bean Mount Coupon
Permanent Vroom Vroom Pink Bean Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Vroom Vroom Pink Bean mount skill.

OLD: 붕붕붕 핑크빈 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Vroom Vroom Pink Bean Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [붕붕붕 핑크빈]을 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Vroom Vroom Pink Bean mount skill.

Permanent Heart of Ice Mount Coupon
Permanent Heart of Ice Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Heart of Ice mount skill.

OLD: 아이스 하트 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Heart of Ice Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [아이스 하트]를 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Heart of Ice mount skill.

Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon
Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cat Cushion mount skill.

OLD: 냥냥 쿠션 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [냥냥 쿠션]을 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Cat Cushion mount skill.

Permanent Flamefoot Husky Mount Coupon
Permanent Flamefoot Husky Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Flamefoot Husky mount skill.

OLD: 푸른불꽃 허스키 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Flamefoot Husky Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [푸른불꽃 허스키]를 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Flamefoot Husky mount skill.

Permanent Heart Constellation Mount Coupon
Permanent Heart Constellation Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Heart Constellation mount skill.

OLD: 하트 별자리 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Heart Constellation Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [하트 별자리]를 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Heart Constellation mount skill.

Permanent Cosmic Star Whale Mount Coupon
Permanent Cosmic Star Whale Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cosmic Star Whale mount skill.

OLD: 우주 별고래 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Cosmic Star Whale Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [우주 별고래]를 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Cosmic Star Whale mount skill.

Permanent Glimmering Fennec Fox Suit Mount Coupon
Permanent Glimmering Fennec Fox Suit Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Glimmering Fennec Fox Suit mount skill.

OLD: 총총 사막여우 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Glimmering Fennec Fox Suit Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [총총 사막여우]를 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Glimmering Fennec Fox Suit mount skill.

Permanent Shining Yacht Mount Coupon
Permanent Shining Yacht Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Shining Yacht mount skill.

OLD: 샤이닝 요트 세일링 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Shining Yacht Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [샤이닝 요트 세일링]을 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Shining Yacht mount skill.

Permanent Bath with Ducky Mount Coupon
Permanent Bath with Ducky Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Bath with Ducky mount skill.

OLD: 더키와 목욕 타임 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Bath with Ducky Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [더키와 목욕 타임]을 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Bath with Ducky mount skill.

Permanent Catty Camping Car Coupon
Permanent Catty Camping Car Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Catty Camping Car mount skill.

OLD: 고고 캠핑카 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Catty Camping Car Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 라이딩 스킬 [고고 캠핑카 라이딩]을 영구히 사용할 수 있게 된다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Catty Camping Car mount skill.

Permanent Spirit Army Mount Coupon
Permanent Spirit Army Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Spirit Army mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 돌격! 정령군단 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Spirit Army Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 돌격! 정령군단 라이딩 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Spirit Army mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Twinkling Cotton Candy Mount Coupon
Permanent Twinkling Cotton Candy Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Twinkling Cotton Candy Mount Skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 트윙클 솜사탕 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Twinkling Cotton Candy Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 트윙클 솜사탕 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Twinkling Cotton Candy Mount Skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Snowman Bounce Mount Coupon
Permanent Snowman Bounce Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Snowman Bounce mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 눈사람 콩콩 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Snowman Bounce Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동비행이 가능한 눈사람 콩콩 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Snowman Bounce mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Fly! Zoom with Bunny Mount Coupon
Permanent Fly! Zoom with Bunny Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Fly! Zoom with Bunny mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 날아! 토끼랑 붕붕 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Fly! Zoom with Bunny Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 날아! 토끼랑 붕붕 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Fly! Zoom with Bunny mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Blanket Rollup Mount Coupon
Permanent Blanket Rollup Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Blanket Rollup mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 돌돌 극세사 이불말이 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Blanket Rollup Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동비행이 가능한 돌돌 극세사 이불말이 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Blanket Rollup mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Rainbow Swing Mount Coupon
Permanent Rainbow Swing Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Rainbow Swing mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 무지개 그네 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Rainbow Swing Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 무지개 그네 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Rainbow Swing mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Love Messenger Mount Coupon
Permanent Love Messenger Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Love Messenger mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 러브 메신저 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Love Messenger Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 러브 메신저 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Love Messenger mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Aurora Dolphin Mount Coupon
Permanent Aurora Dolphin Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Aurora Dolphin mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 오로라 돌고래 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Aurora Dolphin Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 오로라 돌고래 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Aurora Dolphin mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Flame Horse Mount Coupon
Permanent Flame Horse Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Flame Horse mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 화염마 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Flame Horse Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 화염마 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Flame Horse mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Paca Paca Mount Coupon
Permanent Paca Paca Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Paca Paca mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 파카파카 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Paca Paca Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 파카파카 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Paca Paca mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Fantasia Deer Mount Coupon
Permanent Fantasia Deer Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Fantasia Deer mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 디어 판타지아 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Fantasia Deer Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 디어 판타지아 라이딩 스킬 (영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Fantasia Deer mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Rocky Road Truck Mount Coupon
Permanent Rocky Road Truck Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Rocky Road Truck mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 푸드트럭이담 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Rocky Road Truck Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 푸드트럭이담 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Rocky Road Truck mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Lucid Wings Mount Coupon
Permanent Lucid Wings Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Lucid Wings mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 루시드의 날개 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Lucid Wings Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 루시드의 날개 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Lucid Wings mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Eclipse Bird Mount Coupon
Permanent Eclipse Bird Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Eclipse Bird mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 이클립스 버드 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Eclipse Bird Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 이클립스 버드 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Eclipse Bird mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Cake Coupe Mount Coupon
Permanent Cake Coupe Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cake Coupe mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 케이카 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Cake Coupe Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 케이카 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Cake Coupe mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Floating LED Mount Coupon
Permanent Floating LED Mount Coupon

A floating LED balloon!
Double-click to permanently gain the Floating LED mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: LED 둥둥! 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Floating LED Mount Coupon

OLD: 반짝반짝 LED 풍선 둥둥!
더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 LED 둥둥! 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: A floating LED balloon!
Double-click to permanently gain the Floating LED mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Misty Swallow Mount Coupon
Permanent Misty Swallow Mount Coupon

Soar above the clouds on your very own winged cloud!
Double-click to permanently gain the Misty Swallow mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 클라우드 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Misty Swallow Mount Coupon

OLD: 클라우드와 함께 창공을 가르며 날아보자.
더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 클라우드 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Soar above the clouds on your very own winged cloud!
Double-click to permanently gain the Misty Swallow mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Radical Skateboard Mount Coupon
Permanent Radical Skateboard Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Radical Skateboard mount skill with Auto Pilot.

OLD: 달려라 보드 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Radical Skateboard Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 자동 비행이 가능한 달려라 보드 라이딩 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Radical Skateboard mount skill with Auto Pilot.

Permanent Snowflake Wings Mount Coupon
Permanent Snowflake Wings Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Snowflake Wings mount with skill High Altitude Flight. Fly with the shining Snowflake Wings mount.

OLD: 눈꽃 날개 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Snowflake Wings Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공 비행이 가능한 눈꽃 날개 라이딩 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다. 눈부신 눈꽃 날개 라이딩을 타고 날아보자.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Snowflake Wings mount with skill High Altitude Flight. Fly with the shining Snowflake Wings mount.

Permanent Fruit Tart Mount Coupon
Permanent Fruit Tart Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Fruit Tart mount skill with High Altitude Flight. It's made with fresh milk and eggs from Utah's Farm.

OLD: 상큼 타르트 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Fruit Tart Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공 비행이 가능한 상큼 타르트 라이딩 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다. 유타네 농장의 신선한 우유와 계란으로 만들었다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Fruit Tart mount skill with High Altitude Flight. It's made with fresh milk and eggs from Utah's Farm.

Permanent Soft Choco Bear Mount Coupon
Permanent Soft Choco Bear Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Soft Choco Bear mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 부들 초코곰 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Soft Choco Bear Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 부들 초코곰 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Soft Choco Bear mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Soft Latte Bear Mount Coupon
Permanent Soft Latte Bear Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Soft Latte Bear mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 부들 라떼곰 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Soft Latte Bear Mount Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 부들 라떼곰 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to permanently gain the Soft Latte Bear mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Fried Egg Mount Coupon
Permanent Fried Egg Mount Coupon

Ride on a golden fried egg!
Double-click to permanently gain the Fried Egg mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 계란 후라이 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Fried Egg Mount Coupon

OLD: 노릇 노릇 계란 후라이 타고~
더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 계란 후라이 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Ride on a golden fried egg!
Double-click to permanently gain the Fried Egg mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Permanent Kitty Boat Mount Coupon
Permanent Kitty Boat Mount Coupon

Make way for the Kitty Boat!
Double-click to permanently gain the Kitty Boat mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

OLD: 냥냥호 라이딩 (영구) 교환권

NEW: Permanent Kitty Boat Mount Coupon

OLD: 길을 비켜라 냥냥호가 나가신다!
더블클릭하면 고공비행이 가능한 냥냥호 라이딩 스킬 (영구)을 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Make way for the Kitty Boat!
Double-click to permanently gain the Kitty Boat mount skill with High Altitude Flight.

Fluffball Bunny Set
Fluffball Bunny Set

Double-click to obtain the Fluffball Bunny Set.
[Obtainable Items]
- Fluffball Bunny Head (Hat)
- Fluffball Bunny Costume (Outfit)
- Fluffball Bunny Gloves (Gloves)
- Fluffball Bunny Tail (Cape)
- Plump Carrot (Weapon)
Caution! If you equip this item with other items that are not part of the Outfit/Gloves set, the game may not display the character's image as intended.

OLD: 뽀송송 토끼 세트

NEW: Fluffball Bunny Set

OLD: 더블클릭하면 뽀송송 토끼 세트를 받을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Fluffball Bunny Set.

OLD: [획득 가능 아이템]
- 뽀송송 토끼 인형탈(모자)
- 뽀송송 토끼 인형옷(한벌옷)
- 뽀송송 토끼 장갑(장갑)
- 뽀송송 토끼 꼬리(망토)
- 통통 당근(무기)
주의! 한벌옷/장갑과 세트가 아닌 장비 아이템과 함께 착용 시 캐릭터 이미지가 어색해보일 수 있습니다.

NEW: [Obtainable Items]
- Fluffball Bunny Head (Hat)
- Fluffball Bunny Costume (Outfit)
- Fluffball Bunny Gloves (Gloves)
- Fluffball Bunny Tail (Cape)
- Plump Carrot (Weapon)
Caution! If you equip this item with other items that are not part of the Outfit/Gloves set, the game may not display the character's image as intended.

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon

Double-click to obtain the following item:

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1

OLD: 그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 1개 교환권

NEW: Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1 Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 아이템을 획득할 수 있다.

그랜드 어센틱심볼: 탈라하트 1개

NEW: Double-click to obtain the following item:

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart x1

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

OLD: 더블클릭해서 사용하면 최초 지급 퀘스트를 완료한 어센틱심볼을 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.
단, 그랜드 어센틱심볼은 획득할 수 없다.

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

Special Hashtag Points
Special Hashtag Points

Can be obtained by hunting enemies near your level.

Use to open the Tirnog Hashtag UI.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

OLD: 스페셜 해시포인트

NEW: Special Hashtag Points

OLD: 레벨 범위 몬스터를 사냥하면 획득할 수 있다.

사용 시 티르노그 해시태그 UI가 열린다.

NEW: Can be obtained by hunting enemies near your level.

Use to open the Tirnog Hashtag UI.

OLD: ※ 이벤트 기간이 종료된 후에는 사용할 수 없다.

NEW: * Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Hashtag Master Chair (3.0) Coupon
Hashtag Master Chair (3.0) Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Hashtag Master Chair (3.0) and express yourself to your heart's content.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

OLD: 해시태그 마스터 의자(Ver.3) 교환권

NEW: Hashtag Master Chair (3.0) Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하면 나를 멋지게 표현할 수 있는 해시태그 마스터 의자(Ver.3)를 얻을 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to obtain the Hashtag Master Chair (3.0) and express yourself to your heart's content.

OLD: ※ 이벤트 기간이 종료된 후에는 사용할 수 없다.

NEW: * Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Tirnog Hashtag Camera
Tirnog Hashtag Camera

Double-click to take a picture.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

OLD: 티르노그 해시 카메라

NEW: Tirnog Hashtag Camera

OLD: 더블클릭하면 사진을 찍을 수 있는 티르노그 해시 카메라이다.

NEW: Double-click to take a picture.

OLD: ※ 이벤트 기간이 종료된 후에는 사용할 수 없다.

NEW: * Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Small Otherworldly Sun Generator
Small Otherworldly Sun Generator

Double-click to charge up enough Otherworldly Sun for 15 minutes of use.
When the effect is charged, the amount of EXP obtained from Tyrobot Playground is increased.
* You will no longer gain the benefits of a charged Otherworldly Sun after the Tyrobot Playground event is over, even if the effect is still active.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

OLD: 작은 차원의 햇살 생성기

NEW: Small Otherworldly Sun Generator

OLD: 더블클릭하면 15분 동안 사용 가능한 차원의 햇살이 충전된다.
차원의 햇살이 충전된 상태에서는 견습 로봇 놀이터에서 더 많은 양의 경험치를 획득할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to charge up enough Otherworldly Sun for 15 minutes of use.
When the effect is charged, the amount of EXP obtained from Tyrobot Playground is increased.

OLD: ※ <견습 로봇 놀이터> 이벤트 기간이 종료되면 충전된 차원의 햇살 잔여 시간이 남아있더라도 효과를받을 수 없다.
※ 이벤트 기간이 종료된 후에는 사용할 수 없다.

NEW: * You will no longer gain the benefits of a charged Otherworldly Sun after the Tyrobot Playground event is over, even if the effect is still active.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon
Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon

Double-click to change your face to Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face (M).

OLD: 깨도잉 얼굴 성형쿠폰

NEW: Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 얼굴을 [깨도잉 얼굴(남)]으로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your face to Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face (M).

Round Eye Face Coupon
Round Eye Face Coupon

Double-click to change your face to Round Eye Face (M).

OLD: 동그란눈 얼굴 성형쿠폰

NEW: Round Eye Face Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 얼굴을 [동그란눈 얼굴(남)]으로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your face to Round Eye Face (M).

Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon
Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon

Double-click to change your face to Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face (F).

OLD: 깨도잉 얼굴 성형쿠폰

NEW: Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 얼굴을 [깨도잉 얼굴(여)]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your face to Enticing Toothy Smirk Cattertons Face (F).

Round Eye Face Coupon
Round Eye Face Coupon

Double-click to change your face to Round Eye Face (F).

OLD: 동그란눈 얼굴 성형쿠폰

NEW: Round Eye Face Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 얼굴을 [동그란눈 얼굴(여)]로 바꿀 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your face to Round Eye Face (F).

Soft Lavender Skin Coupon
Soft Lavender Skin Coupon

Double-click to change your character's skin tone to Soft Lavender Skin.

OLD: 뽀송 라벤더 스킨 변경권

NEW: Soft Lavender Skin Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 캐릭터의 피부를 연한 보라 톤의 뽀송 라벤더 스킨으로 변경할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your character's skin tone to Soft Lavender Skin.

Blushing Lavender Skin Coupon
Blushing Lavender Skin Coupon

Double-click to change your character's skin tone to Blushing Lavender Skin.

OLD: 홍조 라벤더 스킨 변경권

NEW: Blushing Lavender Skin Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 캐릭터의 피부를 연한 보라 톤의 홍조 라벤더 스킨으로 변경할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your character's skin tone to Blushing Lavender Skin.

Soft Lavender Skin Android Coupon
Soft Lavender Skin Android Coupon

Double-click to change your android's skin tone to Soft Lavender Skin.

OLD: 뽀송 라벤더 스킨 안드로이드 변경권

NEW: Soft Lavender Skin Android Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 현재 장착 중인 안드로이드의 피부를 뽀송 라벤더 스킨으로 변경할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your android's skin tone to Soft Lavender Skin.

Blushing Lavender Skin Android Coupon
Blushing Lavender Skin Android Coupon

Double-click to change your android's skin tone to Blushing Lavender Skin.

OLD: 홍조 라벤더 스킨 안드로이드 변경권

NEW: Blushing Lavender Skin Android Coupon

OLD: 더블클릭하여 사용하면 현재 장착 중인 안드로이드의 피부를 홍조 라벤더 스킨으로 변경할 수 있다.

NEW: Double-click to change your android's skin tone to Blushing Lavender Skin.

[Festival Memories] Dark Winter Memories
[Festival Memories] Dark Winter Memories

An ornament emblazoned with a spooky Maplemas tree obtained by staying online for 70 hours during Dark Maplemas's Wicked Wonderland event. Right-click the Display Case Chair to equip.

OLD: [Festival Memories] If You Can Dodge a Spirit

NEW: [Festival Memories] Dark Winter Memories

OLD: An ornament obtained by
surviving a Spirit's Memory or
a Spirit's Emotion for 5,000 seconds
emblazoned with the symbol Lotus and Orchid.
Right-click the Display
Case Chair
to equip.

NEW: An ornament emblazoned with a spooky Maplemas tree obtained by staying online for 70 hours during Dark Maplemas's Wicked Wonderland event. Right-click the Display Case Chair to equip.

Vanishing Journey Pop-Up Book Chair
Vanishing Journey Pop-Up Book Chair

Vanishing Journey has been reborn as pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

OLD: Vanishing Journey has been reborn as pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

NEW: Vanishing Journey has been reborn as pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

Lachelein Pop-Up Card Chair
Lachelein Pop-Up Card Chair

Lachelein has been reborn as a pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

OLD: Lachelein has been reborn as a pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

NEW: Lachelein has been reborn as a pop-up book!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

Arcana Pop-Up Card Chair
Arcana Pop-Up Card Chair

Arcana is featured as a pop-up card!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

OLD: Arcana is featured as a pop-up card!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

NEW: Arcana is featured as a pop-up card!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP
every 10 seconds.

Hashtag Master Chair (3.0)
Hashtag Master Chair (3.0)

Express yourself to your heart's content with this Hashtag Master Chair! Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.

OLD: 해시태그 마스터 의자(Ver.3)

NEW: Hashtag Master Chair (3.0)

OLD: 나를 멋지게 표현할 수 있는 해시태그 마스터 의자! 10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

NEW: Express yourself to your heart's content with this Hashtag Master Chair! Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.

Moon Bunny Percussion Chair
Moon Bunny Percussion Chair

Dance to the beat of this Moon Bunny Korean percussion band. Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 sec.

OLD: 월묘와 함께 사물놀이 의자

NEW: Moon Bunny Percussion Chair

OLD: 월묘와 함께 신나게 사물놀이를 즐길 수 있는 의자이다.

10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

NEW: Dance to the beat of this Moon Bunny Korean percussion band. Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 sec.

Bouncy Desert Rabbit Oasis
Bouncy Desert Rabbit Oasis

Another successful exploration with these cute rabbits! Recovers 100 HP/MP every 10 sec wile relaxing in a beautiful oasis.

OLD: 콩콩 모래토끼 오아시스

NEW: Bouncy Desert Rabbit Oasis

OLD: 귀여운 모래토끼들과 오아시스 탐사 성공! 아름다운 오아시스에서 10초마다 HP/MP 100 회복된다.

NEW: Another successful exploration with these cute rabbits! Recovers 100 HP/MP every 10 sec wile relaxing in a beautiful oasis.

Congestiopia Emoticon
Congestiopia Emoticon

OLD: 림보 이모티콘

NEW: Congestiopia Emoticon

Chosen Seren Emoticon
Chosen Seren Emoticon

OLD: 선택받은 세렌 이모티콘

NEW: Chosen Seren Emoticon

Senya Emoticon
Senya Emoticon

OLD: 세냐 이모티콘

NEW: Senya Emoticon

Mitra Emoticon
Mitra Emoticon

OLD: 미트라 이모티콘

NEW: Mitra Emoticon

Brown Kitty Emoticon
Brown Kitty Emoticon

OLD: 갈색고양이 이모티콘

NEW: Brown Kitty Emoticon

Black Kitty Emoticon
Black Kitty Emoticon

OLD: 검은색고양이 이모티콘

NEW: Black Kitty Emoticon

Why Face Emoticon
Why Face Emoticon

OLD: 왜요 얼굴 이모티콘

NEW: Why Face Emoticon

Cattertons Face Emoticon
Cattertons Face Emoticon

OLD: 아잉 얼굴 이모티콘

NEW: Cattertons Face Emoticon

Little Star
Little Star

OLD: 작은 별

NEW: Little Star


OLD: 메소

NEW: Meso


OLD: 응원해

NEW: Cheer


OLD: 끄엄끄엄

NEW: Huh

Dreamy Butterfly
Dreamy Butterfly

OLD: 꿈의 나비

NEW: Dreamy Butterfly

See-Through Soap Bubble Sticker
See-Through Soap Bubble Sticker

OLD: 반투명 비눗방울 스티커

NEW: See-Through Soap Bubble Sticker

See-Through Ribbon Sticker
See-Through Ribbon Sticker

OLD: 반투명 리본 스티커

NEW: See-Through Ribbon Sticker

See-Through Star Sticker
See-Through Star Sticker

OLD: 반투명 별 스티커

NEW: See-Through Star Sticker

See-Through Heart Sticker
See-Through Heart Sticker

OLD: 반투명 하트 스티커

NEW: See-Through Heart Sticker

See-Through Butterfly Sticker
See-Through Butterfly Sticker

OLD: 반투명 나비 스티커

NEW: See-Through Butterfly Sticker


It's Beary, your thoughtful bearish buddy!
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.

OLD: 곰이

NEW: Beary

OLD: 배려심이 깊고 마음이 따뜻한 곰이입니다.
꾸러기 홈파티 펫을 장착하면 꾸러기 홈파티 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 꾸러기 홈파티 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: It's Beary, your thoughtful bearish buddy!
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.


Sly is always up to some mischief.
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.

OLD: 웅이

NEW: Sly

OLD: 장난기 많고 귀여운 웅이입니다.꾸러기 홈파티 펫을 장착하면 꾸러기 홈파티 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 꾸러기 홈파티 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: Sly is always up to some mischief.
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.


Hops is oh so charming.
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.

OLD: 토니

NEW: Hops

OLD: 사랑스럽고 애교가 많은 토니입니다.
꾸러기 홈파티 펫을 장착하면 꾸러기 홈파티 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 꾸러기 홈파티 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: Hops is oh so charming.
Equip this pet to get the Animal Party House skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Animal Party House pets.

Donut Drum
Donut Drum

March to a sweet beat with this Donut Drum.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

OLD: 도넛 드럼

NEW: Donut Drum

OLD: 멋진 비트를 들려주는 도넛 드럼입니다.
디저트 밴드 펫을 장착하면 달콤 디저트 멜로디 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 디저트 밴드 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: March to a sweet beat with this Donut Drum.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

Choco Piano
Choco Piano

This Choco Piano strikes a mouth-watering chord.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

OLD: 초코바 건반

NEW: Choco Piano

OLD: 달콤한 멜로디를 들려주는 초코바 건반입니다.
디저트 밴드 펫을 장착하면 달콤 디저트 멜로디 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 디저트 밴드 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: This Choco Piano strikes a mouth-watering chord.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

Guitar Crisp
Guitar Crisp

This Guitar Crisp sounds as good as it tastes...probably.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

OLD: 쿠키 기타

NEW: Guitar Crisp

OLD: 아름다운 연주를 들려주는 쿠키 기타입니다.
디저트 밴드 펫을 장착하면 달콤 디저트 멜로디 스킬을 얻게 되며, 장착한 디저트 밴드 펫의 종류가 많을수록 해당 스킬은 강화됩니다.

NEW: This Guitar Crisp sounds as good as it tastes...probably.
Equip this pet to get the Sweet Melody skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Dessert Band pets.

Lucky Clover
Lucky Clover

Fortune is on your side with this Lucky Clover.

OLD: 럭키 클로버

NEW: Lucky Clover

OLD: 따뜻한 행운을 가져다주는 럭키 클로버입니다.

NEW: Fortune is on your side with this Lucky Clover.

Hero Aran Package (M)
Hero Aran Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Aran Package (M)

NEW: Hero Aran Package (M)

Hero Aran Package (F)
Hero Aran Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Aran Package (F)

NEW: Hero Aran Package (F)

Hero Shade Package (M)
Hero Shade Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Shade Package (M)

NEW: Hero Shade Package (M)

Hero Shade Package (F)
Hero Shade Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Shade Package (F)

NEW: Hero Shade Package (F)

Hero Evan Package (M)
Hero Evan Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Evan Package (M)

NEW: Hero Evan Package (M)

Hero Evan Package (F)
Hero Evan Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Evan Package (F)

NEW: Hero Evan Package (F)

Hero Luminous Package (M)
Hero Luminous Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Luminous Package (M)

NEW: Hero Luminous Package (M)

Hero Luminous Package (F)
Hero Luminous Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Luminous Package (F)

NEW: Hero Luminous Package (F)

Hero Mercedes Package (M)
Hero Mercedes Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Mercedes Package (M)

NEW: Hero Mercedes Package (M)

Hero Mercedes Package (F)
Hero Mercedes Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Mercedes Package (F)

NEW: Hero Mercedes Package (F)

Hero Phantom Package (M)
Hero Phantom Package (M)

OLD: Heroic Phantom Package (M)

NEW: Hero Phantom Package (M)

Hero Phantom Package (F)
Hero Phantom Package (F)

OLD: Heroic Phantom Package (F)

NEW: Hero Phantom Package (F)

Greenit Mush
Greenit Mush

A Greenit Mush pet.

Zomnit Mush
Zomnit Mush

A Zomnit Mush pet.

Hornit Mush
Hornit Mush

A Hornit Mush pet.

Magic Book
Magic Book

A Magic Book pet.

Aged Book
Aged Book

An Aged Book pet.


A Parchment pet.

Red Bean Bun
Red Bean Bun

A subtly sweet red bean bun that's also a pet!

Yam Bun
Yam Bun

A captivatingly craveable yam bun that's also a pet!

Choco Bun
Choco Bun

A delightfully decadent chocolate bun that's also a pet!


An adorable Snowman that is also very active. May seem a little rude at times, but the more it is loved, the more affable it becomes.

Item 5121164
Item 5121164
Item 5121165
Item 5121165
Yarn Spore
Yarn Spore

A Yarn Spore for Greenit Mush, Zomnit Mush, and Hornit Mush. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Enchanted Ink
Enchanted Ink

Enchanted Ink for the Magic Book, Aged Book, and Parchment pets. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Bun Steamer
Bun Steamer

A steamer for the Red Bean Bun, Yam Bun, and Choco Bun pets. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Oh, Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells
Oh, Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells

Jingle Knells, Jingle Knells, jingle to the grave... Grants an EXP buff for 30 minutes by the way, hey!

EXP Obtained +15%

Stacks with other EXP increasing effects.
Effect persists even after logging out and back in again.

Laughing All the Way
Laughing All the Way

Oh, what fun it is to ride and sing a slaying song tonight! Boosts stats for 30 minutes.

All Stats +15
Max HP/MP +1500
Attack Power & Magic ATT +15
Ignore Defense +15%
Boss Damage +15%

Stacks with other boost effects.
Effects disappear upon relogin.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Combo Kill Parade
Combo Kill Parade

Speed and jump increase dramatically for a short time with the success of combo kills.

Item 2024265
Item 2024265
Magical Scroll for Magic ATT for Two-Handed Weapons
Magical Scroll for Magic ATT for Two-Handed Weapons

Improves Magic ATT of Two-Handed weapons.

Success Rate: 100%
All Stats +3
Magic ATT +9 to +11

Ornament Box
Ornament Box

A box filled with ornaments to decorate the Dark Maplemas Tree with.
- Available until 1/14/2025 (Tue) 11:59 PM UTC during the event period.

Penguin Slide Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Penguin Slide Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Penguin Slide Mount skill for 90 days.

Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)
Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)
Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Heart Teddy Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)
Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)
Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Circuit Board Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

New Ride Snow Coupon
New Ride Snow Coupon

Double-click the coupon to permanently receive a New Ride Snow.

Beep Beep Snowplow Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Beep Beep Snowplow Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Beep Beep Snowplow Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Beep Beep Snowplow Mount Coupon
Permanent Beep Beep Snowplow Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Beep Beep Snowplow mount skill.

Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol)
Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Snow Angel Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)
Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)
Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Old Parchment Scroll Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Mighty Child Gift Box
Mighty Child Gift Box

Double-click to receive a random item in your category of choice from Holly and Jolly's stash of Dark Maplemas gifts.
TWhen the box expires, it will disappear.
[Items by Category]
- [Progression]
Items used to progress characters (Experience Nodestone, Selective 8-slot Coupon, Arcane/Sacred (300/60) Symbol Selector Coupon, etc.)

- [EXP]
Items used to level up characters (3x EXP Coupon, Magnificent Growth Potion, etc.)

- [Profession]
Items used in Profession crafting (Mysterious Mineral Pouch, Mysterious Essence Pouch, Profession Coupon, Infinite Revitalizer, etc.)

- [Enhancement]
Items used to enhance other items (Karma Solid Cube, Karma Black Rebirth Flame, Spell Trace, etc.)

Health Orb
Health Orb

Health Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Level.

Riches Orb
Riches Orb

Wealth Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for EXP.

Luck Orb
Luck Orb

Luck Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Additional Option.

Love Orb
Love Orb

Love Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Symbol.

Smarts Orb
Smarts Orb

Intelligence Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Honor.

Bravery Orb
Bravery Orb

Courage Orb from Blue Snake's Wishing Orb. Make a wish for Skill.

Blue Snake Orb
Blue Snake Orb

Double-click to choose one of the 6 orbs.

White Mammoth Mount (90 Days) Coupon
White Mammoth Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the White Mammoth Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent White Mammoth Mount Coupon
Permanent White Mammoth Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the White Mammoth mount skill.

Cobra Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Cobra Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Cobra Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Cobra Mount Coupon
Permanent Cobra Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cobra mount skill.

Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)
Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another damage skin.

Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)
Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Blueprint Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)
Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)
Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Bellamoa Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it with another skin.

Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon
Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Cat Cushion mount skill.

Permanent Happy New Year! Mount Coupon
Permanent Happy New Year! Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Happy New Year! mount skill.

Steadfast Child Gift Box
Steadfast Child Gift Box

Double-click to receive a random item in your category of choice from Holly and Jolly's stash of Dark Maplemas gifts, plus an extra Dark Maplemas treat.
[Items by Category]
- [Progression]
Items used to progress characters (Nodestone, Selective 4-slot Coupon, Arcane/Sacred (100/20) Symbol Selector Coupon, etc.)

- [EXP]
Items used to level up characters (2x EXP Coupon, Extreme Growth Potion, etc.)

- [Profession]
Items used in Profession crafting (Mysterious Mineral Pouch, Mysterious Essence Pouch, Infinite Revitalizer, etc.)

- [Enhancement]
Items used to enhance other items (Karma Hard Cube, Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame, Spell Trace, etc.)

- [Dark Maplemas Treat]
Items used to enhance your Dark Maplemas experience (Christmas Candy, Gingerbread Man Cookie, Tree Ornament, etc.)

Dark Maplemas Souvenir
Dark Maplemas Souvenir

Double-click to obtain the following gifts.

Dark Maplemas Medal
[Festival Memories] Dark Winter Memories

Maplemas Light Bulb Tree
Maplemas Light Bulb Tree

There's no rule that the Maplemas tree has to be on the ground. It's easy to create a festive mood using light bulbs!

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

Karma Bonus Mystical Cube
Karma Bonus Mystical Cube

A powerful cube that reconfigures a piece of untradable equipment's Bonus Potential. Does not affect existing regular Potentials.
Only usable on items with Rare-rank Bonus Potential.
Max Result: Epic

Resets Bonus Potential.

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)
Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)
Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit)

Applies the Dark Maplemas Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Knit Mush Pet Set
Knit Mush Pet Set

An Knit Mushroom Pets Package.

If you equip any Knit Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Greenit Mush Pet Set
Greenit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Green Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Green Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Hornit Mush Pet Set
Hornit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Horned Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Horned Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Zomnit Mush Pet Set
Zomnit Mush Pet Set

A Knit Zombie Mushroom Pet Package.

If you equip Knit Zombie Mushroom Pet, you will obtain Knit Mushroom Pet's Mysterious Power Skill and the skill will get enhanced up to 3rd stage depends on the type of Knit Mushroom Pet.
Pet Equipment Max Upgrade Count: 10 times
Can be used with other pets (Max: 3 pets)
Magic Time: 90 days

Cozy Cardigan Set
Cozy Cardigan Set
Lovely Cardigan Set
Lovely Cardigan Set
Stroll down Memory Lane Set
Stroll down Memory Lane Set
Walk down Reminiscence Road Set
Walk down Reminiscence Road Set
Archival Pet Set
Archival Pet Set
Magic Book Pet Set
Magic Book Pet Set
Aged Book Pet Set
Aged Book Pet Set
Parchment Pet Set
Parchment Pet Set
Glacial Knight Set
Glacial Knight Set
Glacial Queen Set
Glacial Queen Set
Maplemas Spirit Elf Set
Maplemas Spirit Elf Set
Maplemas Spirit Soldier Set
Maplemas Spirit Soldier Set
Express Mail Winter Set
Express Mail Winter Set
Express Mail Snowdrift Set
Express Mail Snowdrift Set
Too Cool to Be Cold White Set
Too Cool to Be Cold White Set
Too Cool to Be Cold Black Set
Too Cool to Be Cold Black Set
Snake God Knight Set
Snake God Knight Set
Snake God Shamaness Set
Snake God Shamaness Set
Snuggly Teddy Cozy Set
Snuggly Teddy Cozy Set
Snuggly Teddy Pastel Set
Snuggly Teddy Pastel Set