Item Changes

Diamond Cooksta Effect
Diamond Cooksta Effect

This is the impressive Diamond Cooksta Effect.

Double-click to toggle the effect, or designate a hotkey in your Key Config.

Blair Salon Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)
Blair Salon Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Galaxy Hair (M) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Dark Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)
Blair Salon Dark Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Dark Galaxy Hair (M) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Stellar Hair Coupon (F)
Blair Salon Stellar Hair Coupon (F)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Stellar Hair (F) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Dark Stellar Hair Coupon (F)
Blair Salon Dark Stellar Hair Coupon (F)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Dark Stellar Hair (F) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Weapon Surprise Style Box
Weapon Surprise Style Box

A box containing a weapon according to set probability. The item is permanent and can be traded once before use. (However, trading is limited in Heroic Worlds.) Double-click from the Cash Shop inventory after purchase to open it.

우비냥이 정어리
우비냥이 정어리

A sardine for Paraneige, Parapluie, and Paraluna. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Gather the Four Perils).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Bankrupt?!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Burn Out...).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Don't Feel Like It).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Sweet Spring Hairpin Surprise Box
Sweet Spring Hairpin Surprise Box

A box containing a sweet spring hairpin. You will randomly receive 1 of the 6 hairpin types. Items in this box are obtained at the same rate.

샤크 스나이퍼 패키지 교환권
샤크 스나이퍼 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 샤크 스나이퍼 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[샤크 스나이퍼 패키지]
- 모자 : 스톰 샤크 캡
- 한벌옷 : 스나이퍼 자켓
- 신발 : 첨벙첨벙 물장구
- 망토 : 상어의 무게
- 무기 : 데스 스나이퍼

데이브 잠수복 패키지 교환권
데이브 잠수복 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 데이브잠수복 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[데이브 잠수복 패키지]
- 모자 : 데이브 잠수모
- 한벌옷 : 데이브 잠수복
- 신발 : 데이브 오리발
- 망토 : 데이브 공기통
- 무기 : 데이브 적재함
- 장갑 : 데이브 장갑

반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지 교환권
반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지]
- 모자 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 헤어밴드
- 한벌옷 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 한벌옷
- 신발 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 신발
- 무기 : 반쵸 일식도
- 눈장식 : 반쵸 선글라스

더프 패키지 교환권
더프 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 더프 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[더프 패키지]
- 모자 : 더프 가발
- 한벌옷 : 더프 한벌옷
- 망토 : 더프의 응원 불빛
- 무기 : 꿈에서 만나
- 눈장식 : 초롱초롱 수면 안대

대왕 오징어 패키지 교환권
대왕 오징어 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 대왕 오징어 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[대왕 오징어 패키지]
- 모자 : 대왕 오징어 인형탈
- 한벌옷 : 대왕 오징어 인형옷
- 신발 : 대왕 오징어 다리
- 장갑 : 대왕 오징어 장갑
- 얼굴장식 : 대왕 오징어의 눈

가돈 패키지 교환권
가돈 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 가돈 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[가돈 패키지]
- 모자 : 가돈 가면
- 한벌옷 : 가돈 한벌옷
- 장갑 : 가돈의 족쇄

메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드 교환권
메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 데이브 더 다이버와 함께한 추억이 담긴 메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드(의자)를 획득할 수 있다.

벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구) 교환권
벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구) 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자 6종 교환권
데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자 6종 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 목록의 데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자를 모두 획득할 수 있다.

- 참치 요트 파티 포스터 의자
- 청새치 파티 포스터 의자
- 해파리 파티 포스터 의자
- 오이 파티 포스터 의자
- 카레 파티 포스터 의자
- 새우 파티 포스터 의자

Igloo Chair Coupon
Igloo Chair Coupon

Double-click to obtain an Igloo Chair.

Soul Teddy Chair Coupon
Soul Teddy Chair Coupon

Double-click to obtain a Soul Teddy Chair.

Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon Voucher
Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon Voucher

Double-click to obtain a Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon.

Azmoth Potion
Azmoth Potion

An elixir containing the magic of Azmoth Chasm.

20% Additional EXP Earned
Duration: 30 min

Stacks with other EXP increasing effects.
Effect persists even after logging out and back in again.

4x EXP Coupon (30 min)
4x EXP Coupon (30 min)

Double-click to receive a 4x EXP buff for 30 minutes.

Effect does not stack with similar event buffs.

4x EXP Coupon (30 min)
4x EXP Coupon (30 min)

Double-click to receive a 4x EXP buff for 30 minutes.

Effect does not stack with similar event buffs.

Luxe Sauna Coupon
Luxe Sauna Coupon

Double-click to restore 30 minutes of Luxe Sauna usage.
* You will no longer gain any usage time benefits once the event is over.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Azmoth Coin x1 Coupon
Azmoth Coin x1 Coupon

Double-click to get Azmoth Coin x1.

Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon
Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon

Double-click to get the Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon (Group) for your current character.

초밥 모자 선택권
초밥 모자 선택권

더블클릭하면 아래의 모자 중 하나를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 계란 초밥 모자
- 새우 초밥 모자
- 참치 초밥 모자

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

데이브 평상복 세트 교환권
데이브 평상복 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 데이브 평상복 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 데이브의 모자 (모자)
- 데이브의 평상복 (한벌옷)
- 데이브의 신발 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트 교환권
반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 가발 (모자)
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 의상 (한벌옷)
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 신발 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

코브라 하와이안 의상 세트 교환권
코브라 하와이안 의상 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 코브라 하와이안 의상 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 코브라 하와이안 선글라스 (눈장식)
- 코브라 하와이안 의상 (한벌옷)
- 코브라 하와이안 구두 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 선택권
데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 선택권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 중 하나를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 리튬 하트 (교환 불가, 영구)

[선택 가능 아이템]
- 데이브로이드
- 반쵸로이드
- 코브라로이드

Advanced EXP Voucher
Advanced EXP Voucher

Double-click to get EXP that fits your character's current level.
* Only Lv. 260+ characters can use this.
* In the case of Zero, only Lv. 260+ characters who have completed Story Quest Act 2 can use this.
* Lv. 290+ characters will get the same amount of
EXP as they would at Lv. 290.

Dream Bear Set
Dream Bear Set

Double-click to receive the Dream Bear Set.
[Obtainable Items]
- Dream Bear Mask (Hat)
- Dream Bear Costume (Outfit)
- Dream Bear Gloves (Gloves)
- Dream Bear Tail (Cape)
- Jelly Bubble Balloon (Weapon)
Caution! If you equip this item with other items that are not part of the Outfit set, the game may not display the character's image as intended.

Permanent Pocket Watch Mount Coupon
Permanent Pocket Watch Mount Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Permanent Pocket Watch Mount.

Dimensional Guardian Set Coupon
Dimensional Guardian Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain an outfit of your choice and the following clothing.

- Dimensional Guardian Uniform (M)
- Dimensional Guardian Dress (F)

[Always Included]
- Dimensional Guardian Hairpin
- Dimensional Guardian Boots
- Dimensional Guardian Symbol
- Dimensional Pendulum

Masquerade Mask Selector Coupon
Masquerade Mask Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following items:

Fearful Masquerade Mask
- Scary Masquerade Mask
- Smiling Masquerade Mask
- Crying Masquerade Mask
- Gloomy Masquerade Mask

Mask Selector Coupon
Mask Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following items:

- Smiling Mask
- Crying Mask
- Angry Mask
- Sad Mask

Sopheliaroid Coupon
Sopheliaroid Coupon

Double-click to receive a Sopheliaroid and a Permanent Lidium Heart.

Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount Coupon
Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount.

Halloween Background Coupon
Halloween Background Coupon

Double-click to obtain the
Halloween Background.

Backgrounds can be applied to
all your characters within the
same world.

Halloween Background Coupon
Halloween Background Coupon

Double-click to obtain the
Halloween Background.

Backgrounds can be applied to
all your characters within the
same world.

Althea's Mapae Fragment
Althea's Mapae Fragment

Double-click to investigate the mapae.

Dream Voyage Shoes Coupon
Dream Voyage Shoes Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either the Dream Voyage Shoes (M) or the Dream Voyage Heels (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Cape Coupon
Dream Voyage Cape Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Dream Voyager.

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Outfit Coupon
Dream Voyage Outfit Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either a Dream Voyage Suit (M) or a Dream Voyage Dress (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Hat Coupon
Dream Voyage Hat Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either a Dream Voyage Hat (M) or a Dream Voyage Beret (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Weapon Coupon
Dream Voyage Weapon Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Dream Wheel.

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Pink Bean Bouncy Ball mount skill.

Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Yeti Bouncy Ball mount skill.

Slime Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Slime Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Slime Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Slime Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Slime Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Slime Bouncy Ball mount skill.

6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons Coupon
6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons Coupon

Double-click to get 6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons for your current character.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Gather the Four Perils).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Bankrupt?!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Burn Out...).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Don't Feel Like It).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon
Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Surfin' Safari mount skill.

Karma Star Force 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160)
Karma Star Force 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160)

Enhances the Star Force of Lv. 160 or lower equipment with no remaining upgrades to a set amount, and does not receive the Guardian Scrolls effect.

Cannot be used on equipment that has already exceeded its enhancement count, on equipment whose max enhance count is lower than the set enhance count, or on superior equipment items.

Success Rate: 100%
Enhances the Star Force level of equipment with no remaining upgrades to 20.

Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)
Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)
Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)
Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)
Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

블루홀 추가 입장권
블루홀 추가 입장권

블루홀에 입장할 수 있는 입장권이다.

다이버 토큰 10,000개
다이버 토큰 10,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 20,000개
다이버 토큰 20,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 30,000개
다이버 토큰 30,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 50,000개
다이버 토큰 50,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰
다이버 토큰

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

Azmoth Coin
Azmoth Coin

Can be used at the Azmoth Coin Shop in Azmoth Chasm.

Dimension Token
Dimension Token

Can be used at the Dimension Token Shop in Dimensional Chaos.

사랑이 피어나는 그네 의자
사랑이 피어나는 그네 의자

사랑이 피어나는 그네 의자의자이다. 최대 2인까지 함께 앉을 수 있다.
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

Senya Cube Chair
Senya Cube Chair

A chair obtained from the Monster Collection.
Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
Right-click to open the cube-stacking window.

Limbo Cube Chair
Limbo Cube Chair

A chair obtained from the Monster Collection.
Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
Right-click to open the cube-stacking window.

블루홀 아쿠아리움
블루홀 아쿠아리움

블루홀의 찬란한 풍경을 수족관에 담았다.
백기흉상어가 유유히 헤엄치고 있다.
의자에 앉으면 데이브 더 다이버 배경음악을 들을 수 있다.
10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

데이브와 함께 해변에서
데이브와 함께 해변에서

데이브와 함께 해변가에서 여유를 즐겨보자.
의자에 앉으면 블루홀 보트 위에서 재생되는 배경음악을 들을 수 있다.
10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

다이버빈과 핑크데이브 의자
다이버빈과 핑크데이브 의자

데아일체 핑크빈과 핑아일체 데이브의 만남!
10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

회전초밥 의자
회전초밥 의자

맛있는 초밥들과 슝슝 빙글빙글.
10초마다 HP가 50, MP가 50씩 회복된다.

Crescent Dream
Crescent Dream

Perch upon the beautiful moon of your dreams... Recover 100 HP/MP every 10 seconds.

메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드
메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드

데이브와 함께한 추억을 폴라로이드 한 장에 담으며...
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

참치 요트 파티 포스터 의자
참치 요트 파티 포스터 의자

부유한 손님들을 위한 기름기! 참치 요트 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

청새치 파티 포스터 의자
청새치 파티 포스터 의자

어쩌면 돛새치도 함께...? 청새치 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

해파리 파티 포스터 의자
해파리 파티 포스터 의자

톡 쏘는 해파리의 매력! 해파리 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

오이 파티 포스터 의자
오이 파티 포스터 의자

오이는 초록색 사랑! 오이 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

카레 파티 포스터 의자
카레 파티 포스터 의자

향긋한 냄새 가득! 카레 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

새우 파티 포스터 의자
새우 파티 포스터 의자

오동통한 바로 그 맛! 새우 파티를 즐겨보자!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair
Unstable Dimensional Gate Chair

A chair fashioned from a dimensional gate that is tenuously connected to a strange world. Restores 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
* A chair that changes appearance based on the stabilization levels reached during the Dimensional Chaos event.

* The appearance of the chair changes upon reaching Lv. 1, 25, 50, 75, and 100 for stabilization.

은방울 스포트라이트 의자
은방울 스포트라이트 의자

은방울 꽃이 반짝반짝.
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

티타임의 유혹 의자
티타임의 유혹 의자

차 한잔의 여유를 즐겨볼까?
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

겨울밤 이불을 덮고 의자
겨울밤 이불을 덮고 의자

따뜻한 이불 속으로 쏘옥!
10초마다 HP가 100, MP가 100씩 회복된다.

Install 3801958
Install 3801958
Install 3801959
Install 3801959
Explorer's Pack
Explorer's Pack

Reduces Final Damage by 4% and increases points earned after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians by 30. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
If you're crazy enough to descend into Azmoth Chasm, you'll need the right gear! This pack may not help you in combat, but mark my words, you'll be glad to have it in the end.

Advanced Explorer's Pack
Advanced Explorer's Pack

Reduces Final Damage by 6% and increases points earned after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians by 50. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
This pack may weigh you down a bit, but it's full of gear to help you through the perils of Azmoth Chasm. You'll face more than monsters, after all.

Veteran Explorer's Pack
Veteran Explorer's Pack

Reduces Final Damage by 8% and increases points earned after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians by 100. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
The only way we'll ever truly understand the fate of Azmoth is to examine every inch of the chasm with specialized gear... Just make sure you're ready for some rough fights, all right?

Vile Lash
Vile Lash

Increases points earned after stopping the Azmothian Guardians within 10 seconds by 400.
On the day of Azmoth's ruin, more than one of its nobles learned that pain and fear can only stay a vengeful hand for so long...

Vicious Lash
Vicious Lash

Increases points earned upon stopping the Azmothian Guardians within 5 seconds by 800.
The ruin of Azmoth was not justice. How could it be, when weighed against the torment Azmoth wrought, the blood the city spilled? Stand in this grave of uncounted dreams realize that what some would call justice was merely a relief.

Drak's Research Notes
Drak's Research Notes

A research record written in some lost language. Based on the images and the maddened scrawl, whoever wrote this did something unspeakable.

Alchemist Stone
Alchemist Stone

Changes into an Awakened Stone after advancing 3 times in a row.
Created by an alchemist of Azmoth, it could easily pass for a normal stone.

Black Alchemist Stone
Black Alchemist Stone

Changes into an Awakened Black Stone after advancing 3 times in a row.
Created by an alchemist of Azmoth, it could easily pass for a normal stone.

Awakened Stone
Awakened Stone

Increases points earned after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians by 100.
Unable to trust each other with their most prized secrets, the alchemists of Azmoth created advisors of a more unnatural source. As you stare into the weeping eyes of this stone, it whispers its dark counsel in the back of your mind.

Awakened Black Stone
Awakened Black Stone

Increases points earned after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians by 250.
The alchemists of Azmoth hoarded knowledge from each other, only trusting their secrets to living stones, servants supposedly bound to the will of their creator. But as you see this stone open its eyes and hear its whispered words of temptation, you wonder at the wisdom of their choice.

Grave Robber's Backpack
Grave Robber's Backpack

Increases Final Damage by 4% for each bound item owned. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
More than one grave robber has braved the depths of Azmoth Chasm looking for treasure... Seeing as the former owner of this pack is nowhere to be seen, you have a good idea of what happened to them.

Grave Robber's Bulging Backpack
Grave Robber's Bulging Backpack

Increases Final Damage by 6% for each bound item owned. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
Azmoth Chasm is full of treasures waiting to be plundered by a savvy grave robber... But let this over-full pack be a reminder: no matter how much you triumph here, death is never far.

Whispering Tome
Whispering Tome

Increases stamina reduction by 5 and Final Damage by 4% upon entering Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
As you pick up the Whispering Tome, your mind runs cold and your breath dies in your throat. You can almost hear its sibilant song of the sorcerers of Azmoth... and the great terror they worked in their dark towers.

Tome of the High Sybarite
Tome of the High Sybarite

Increases stamina reduction by 10 and Final Damage by 9% upon entering Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
A tome warm with a sickening heat, as if it were a living thing. As you take it in your hands, you can see the glories of lost Azmoth, its rioting gardens and unfathomable sorceries... and the blood soaked into its stones. Look at the ruin around you, hero. And remember that all greed has its price.

Gladiator's Amulet
Gladiator's Amulet

Increases damage taken by 10% and Final Damage by 5% after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
The nobles of Azmoth once thought to mock their gladiators with amulets of purest silver, little realizing that by forcing their captives to fight and die in the coliseum, they were forging a blade that would turn against them on the day ruin came.

Battle-Hammered Gladiator's Amulet
Battle-Hammered Gladiator's Amulet

Increases damage taken by 15% and Final Damage by 10% after successfully completing Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the cumulative effect of all chasm items.
The berserkers were the most unfortunate captives in Azmoth's coliseum, gladiators driven mad by foul poisons and fouler sorceries. But they never fought with more ferocity than on the day Azmoth crumbled, when their battle fury was fueled not by hate and torment, but hope.

Emergency Protection Spell
Emergency Protection Spell

Seals chasm item effects, defends against stamina decreases based on time remaining, and recovers an additional 10 stamina when a stage ends 3 times.
A scroll of protective magic, fashioned by an ancient wizard to protect his pupils. It will preserve you from the horrors of Azmoth for a time, but it will also seal away any beneficial effects from cursed objects.
...For some reason, the scroll is covered in cat hair.

Demon Rag Doll
Demon Rag Doll

A rag doll of a demon child, complete with wings and horns. It was sewn with deepest love, and once comforted a young girl through many nights of bitter tears.

Barbed Arrowheads
Barbed Arrowheads

A handful of ancient arrowheads, still gleaming with a lethal light though the rest of the arrow has long since rotted way. A cruel hand fashioned them to inflict the maximum amount of pain.

Dusty Blood Vial
Dusty Blood Vial

The glass of this vial is fogged with dirt, but the dark red color of the liquid sloshing around inside is unmistakable. It is full of blood, which looks as fresh as the day it was drawn.

Wanted Poster Stack
Wanted Poster Stack

A sheaf of crumbling wanted posters, yellow with age. In place of criminals, each dusty page depicts a different fugitive demon who made a powerful enemy.

Arcane Defense Manual
Arcane Defense Manual

A ponderous tome detailing the schematics for the arcane turrets of Azmoth. Buried deep in its labyrinthine pages is the knowledge of the turrets' power source, an arcane fuel derived from a resource the rulers of Azmoth had in plentiful supply: demon blood.

Bloody Alchemy Tools
Bloody Alchemy Tools

You don't know what kind of alchemy experiment requires a sawtooth blade, bandages, and a bottle of preservative solution... but you hope you never find out.

Heretical Icon
Heretical Icon

A diamond icon of heretical faith, with a lidless eye at its heart. In the flickering light, the pupil almost seems to be following your movements...

Gnawed Femur
Gnawed Femur

A massive femur from a creature unknown, now covered in tooth marks. A doctor might say it that looks more like a finger bone than a femur, but what monster could have a hand that big?

Emergency Rations
Emergency Rations

Emergency rations cached by the advance exploration team. It doesn't look like anything has broken the seal, so they should be safe to eat.

Drak's Torn Notes
Drak's Torn Notes

A torn page, covered in an indescribable script. No one in their right mind would want to decipher what it says.

Homemade Hairpin
Homemade Hairpin

A homemade hairpin, created in hopes of bringing some small comfort to a distraught child. Examining the pin closely, you realize that it would be the perfect tool for picking the lock on a pair of manacles.

Strange Dagger
Strange Dagger

A perfectly ordinary dagger, well-used but well-maintained. Its handle is bare of device and it is identical to a thousand other blades you've seen in your adventures... so why does holding it make your heart run cold?

Vial of Viscous Blood
Vial of Viscous Blood

At first, the dark red liquid inside this vial appears solid, with immobile bubbles pressed up against the glass. But as hours pass, the bubbles slowly rise and you realize the liquid is boiling in slow motion. Just what kind of blood is inside?

Portrait of a Would-be God
Portrait of a Would-be God

A dirty, once luxurious portrait of a horned demon, gazing out towards the viewer with a haughty expression. His eyes shine with ambition and there's a self-indulgent twist to his smile. The golden label on the frame bears the name Drak.

Drak's Ritual Scroll
Drak's Ritual Scroll

Plans written in an indescribable script. The few illustrations you can decipher seem to detail gold, artifacts, and an ocean of blood...

Demonic Idol
Demonic Idol

A small idol of a horned and winged demon carved out of dark stone. For some reason, you feel your arm curling into a throwing motion as you hold it.

Golem Self-Destruct Scroll
Golem Self-Destruct Scroll

Every alchemist in Azmoth carried a copy of this scroll at their hip, no matter where they were. They knew it was their last defense against a golem gone rogue.

The Encyclopedia of Infernus Husbandry
The Encyclopedia of Infernus Husbandry

A thick compendium perfect for any delusional soul hoping to rear an Infernus of their very own. The illustrations of the proper feeding methods would give you nightmares if they weren't so cute.

Demon Mercenary Badge
Demon Mercenary Badge

Handheld proof of the owner's membership in a mercenary company. You have no idea why the sellsword band came to the cursed land of Azmoth, but it's clear that despite their preparations none returned alive.

Ruinous Ritual Blade
Ruinous Ritual Blade

The curse seeping from this mysterious ritualistic blade is so incredibly vile, it might just be the source of the ruin that befell Azmoth Chasm.

Azmothian Ore
Azmothian Ore

Summons 1 Goldeater after successfully completing a Vanguard Defense or Azmothian Guardians and increases points earned by slaying Goldeaters by 300.
As Azmoth's doom approached, the paranoid rulers of the city descended into fratricidal strife. To protect themselves from their so-called allies, they created a mysterious ore that marked their fiercest enemies with a golden glow.

Burning Azmothian Ore
Burning Azmothian Ore

Summons 2 Goldeaters after successfully completing a Vanguard Defense or Azmothian Guardians and increases points earned by slaying Goldeaters by 300.
Tell me... what good is a metal that marks your deadliest foes gold when every friend comes wearing a knife-edged smile and every servant stokes fire in their heart?

Sorcerer's Veil
Sorcerer's Veil

50% stamina reduction 1 time when rechallenging after failing to progress.
This veil is comfortable, almost refreshing, on your face, but its origins with a dark sect of sorcerers undeniably pulls at your mind at times.

Silken Sorcerer's Veil
Silken Sorcerer's Veil

100% stamina reduction 1 time when rechallenging after a failing to progress.
Nothing quite feels as good as this silken covering on your face...and that thought threatens to lead your mind down darker paths.

Grim Epaulette
Grim Epaulette

Increases the chances of finding a higher-ranked item when you get the next item.
Drak's personal guards were marked with these epaulettes, signaling their viciousness and cruelty to those they made demands of.

Threatening Epaulette
Threatening Epaulette

Increases the chances of finding a higher-ranked item when you get the next item.
Drak's most trusted guards wore these epaulettes, indicating that their every demand must be acknowledged, on pain of death.

Guardbreaker Pendant
Guardbreaker Pendant

Lowers the difficulty for the next Azmothian Guardians.
This pendant bears a power that can repel Azmoth's guardians, but it does not appear to have done its long-departed owner much good.

Unproven Demonic Inoculant
Unproven Demonic Inoculant

Recovers 40 Resistance.
Magatia's alchemists hastily concocted this serum to counteract demonic influences, but it lacked essential potency.

Demonic Inoculant
Demonic Inoculant

Recovers 60 Resistance.
After some urgent reformulation, Magatia's alchemists were able to produce this effective serum.

Special Demonic Inoculant
Special Demonic Inoculant

Recovers 80 Resistance.
This potent serum was the result of tireless, sometimes desperate refinement from Magatia's alchemists.

Strawberry-Scented Syrup
Strawberry-Scented Syrup

Prevent HP from reaching 0 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians once.
A simple sweetener gifted from father to daughter can be all the motivation one needs to push past their limits.

Father's Keepsake
Father's Keepsake

Prevents HP from reaching 0 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians once, and increases Final Damage by 10%. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
A beloved father concocted this powerful potion with the best of intentions, but tragically never saw it used.

Artifact Case
Artifact Case

Grants a chance to get an epic chasm item.
Layered with years of dust and marked with desperate gashes, this unassuming box could hold a most precious treasure.

Artifact Reliquary
Artifact Reliquary

Grants a chance to get a unique chasm item.
Battered and grimy, one would never expect this box to be so hotly pursued for the rumored relic within.

Azmothian Crystal
Azmothian Crystal

Increases Final Damage by 15% during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
This ephemeral crystal constantly emits steam and light, lending its strength to those around it.

Azmothian Blood Crystal
Azmothian Blood Crystal

Increases Final Damage by 20% during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
Wreathed in steam and crimson light, this crystal fills your soul with newfound power.

Hunter's Talisman
Hunter's Talisman

Increases points earned by 500 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
Demon hunters take any advantage they can get, and this grim keepsake is said to bring them good fortune.

Horrifying Talisman
Horrifying Talisman

Increases points earned by 600 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
No one would think these vicious claws could bring good luck, but demon hunters are cut from a very different cloth.

Fanzy's Energy Tonic
Fanzy's Energy Tonic

Recovers 60 Resistance.
The mind is your most precious resource in Azmoth, a fact that led Fanzy to create this mentally-reinforcing draught

Fanzy's Special Tonic
Fanzy's Special Tonic

Recovers 80 Resistance.
Fanzy's experiences in the chasm may have given him nightmares, but they also allowed him to perfect the formula for his tincture, providing a powerful reinforcement against the withering horrors of Azmoth.

10 Boogies's Evidence Sack
10 Boogies's Evidence Sack

Grants a chance to get an epic chasm item.
10 Boogies has been gathering up all kinds of suspicious items to report on. Surely there must be something worthwhile here...

10 Boogies's Special Evidence Sack
10 Boogies's Special Evidence Sack

Grants a chance to get a unique chasm item.
10 Boogies set this particular sack of questionable items aside, which suggests there may be especially good stuff inside.

Azmothian Alchemy Crystal
Azmothian Alchemy Crystal

Recovers 60 Resistance.
Something must have shocked this red crystal into forming, given its strange shape. The vital energies radiating from it are definitely stranger still.

Forbidden Alchemy Crystal
Forbidden Alchemy Crystal

Recovers 80 Resistance.
The life energy seeping from this crystal is powerful enough to seriously question how such a thing could be made...and what the cost of that process could have been.

Coliseum Booster
Coliseum Booster

Increases Final Damage by 15% during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
The blue crystal inside this bottle vaporizes when exposed to air, and whatever power it contains transfers to those around it.

Red Coliseum Booster
Red Coliseum Booster

Increases Final Damage by 20% during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians. Final Damage is applied based on the total effect of all chasm items.
Whatever this red crystal is, it fills you with seemingly unholy strength once unbottled.

Azrael's Note
Azrael's Note

Increases points earned by 500 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
Azrael collected his thoughts about Azmoth's structure here, which could be quite valuable to the expedition.

Azrael's Journal
Azrael's Journal

Increases points earned by 600 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
With more experiences to draw on, Azrael outlined nearly the full scope of Azmoth in this extensive journal. The information within is absolutely invaluable.

Azmothian Silver Coin
Azmothian Silver Coin

A coin featuring a portrait of a horned individual. Who knows how valuable this could be?

Azmothian Gold Coin
Azmothian Gold Coin

A coin featuring a portrait of a horned individual. Who knows how valuable this could be?

Magatia's Support
Magatia's Support

The alchemists of Magatia have spared no expense to support the exploration of Azmoth Chasm. You may not know exactly what this experimental potion will do... but you're pretty sure it'll be beneficial.
Grants a chance to get one of the following effects:
- Prevents HP from reaching 0 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians once.
- Prevents HP from reaching 0 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians once, and increases Final Damage by 10%.
- Grants a chance to get an epic chasm item.
- Grants a chance to get a unique chasm item.
- Increases Final Damage by 15% or 20% during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
- Increases points earned by 500 or 600 during the next Vanguard Defense and Azmothian Guardians.
- Recovers 50 or 60 Resistance.

Pillow Sloth
Pillow Sloth

It's a Pillow Sloth pet.

Prone Sloth
Prone Sloth

It's a Prone Sloth pet.

Dangle Sloth
Dangle Sloth

It's a Dangle Sloth pet.


It's a Paraneige pet.


It's a Parapluie pet.


It's a Paraluna pet.

Maple the Diver Full Package
Maple the Diver Full Package
Dave's Diving Suit Package
Dave's Diving Suit Package
Bancho Sushi Chef Package
Bancho Sushi Chef Package
Duff Package
Duff Package
Giant Squid Package
Giant Squid Package
Gadon Package
Gadon Package
Odette Package (F)
Odette Package (F)

A package that makes you resemble the beautiful white swan Odette.

Odile Package (F)
Odile Package (F)

A package that makes you resemble the beautiful black swan Odile.

Colorful Umbrella Cat Pet Set
Colorful Umbrella Cat Pet Set
Paraneige Pet Set
Paraneige Pet Set
Parapluie Pet Set
Parapluie Pet Set
Paraluna Pet Set
Paraluna Pet Set
Pudgy White Puppy Set
Pudgy White Puppy Set
Fluffy White Puppy Set
Fluffy White Puppy Set
Lovey May Bell Fairy Set
Lovey May Bell Fairy Set
Dovey May Bell Fairy Set
Dovey May Bell Fairy Set
Small Brown Raccoon Set
Small Brown Raccoon Set
Small Gray Raccoon Set
Small Gray Raccoon Set
Love and Steampunk Bonbon Set
Love and Steampunk Bonbon Set
Love and Steampunk Chocolate Set
Love and Steampunk Chocolate Set
[Tower of Oz] Tin Woodman Effect
[Tower of Oz] Tin Woodman Effect

A special effect given only to those who achieve 31th - 50th place in Tower of Oz ranking.

OLD: [Tower of Oz] Tin Woodsman Effect

NEW: [Tower of Oz] Tin Woodman Effect

Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry
Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry

A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-click to give life to a Wonder Pet or special item using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry purchased with NX can be traded once before use.
The Wonderberry list is replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items and rates can be viewed from the website > The Game > Random Box Rates.

OLD: A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-click to give life to a Wonder Pet or special item using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry purchased with NX can be traded once before use.
cThe Wonderberry list is replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items and rates can be viewed from the website > The Game > Random Box Rates.

NEW: A Wonderberry filled with mysterious energy. Double-click to give life to a Wonder Pet or special item using Wisp's magic. Items obtained from Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry purchased with NX can be traded once before use.
The Wonderberry list is replaced once every set period.
The list of obtainable items and rates can be viewed from the website > The Game > Random Box Rates.

Legendary Familiar Booster Pack
Legendary Familiar Booster Pack

A booster pack granting 3 Familiars according to set probability. The Familiars you can receive range from Rare to Legendary in rank.
You will receive a Volatile Legendary Familiar Stamp upon using the item. If you collect 15 of them, you can exchange them for a Volatile Unique Familiar Ticket, and if you collect 30, you can exchange them for a Volatile Legendary Family Ticket.

OLD: A booster pack containing 3 random Familiars. The Familiars you can receive range from Rare to Legendary in rank.
You will receive a Volatile Legendary Familiar Stamp upon using the item. If you collect 15 of them, you can exchange them for a Volatile Unique Familiar Ticket, and if you collect 30, you can exchange them for a Volatile Legendary Family Ticket.

NEW: A booster pack granting 3 Familiars according to set probability. The Familiars you can receive range from Rare to Legendary in rank.
You will receive a Volatile Legendary Familiar Stamp upon using the item. If you collect 15 of them, you can exchange them for a Volatile Unique Familiar Ticket, and if you collect 30, you can exchange them for a Volatile Legendary Family Ticket.

Eucalyptus Leaf
Eucalyptus Leaf

A eucalyptus leaf that only the Pillow Sloth Pet, Prone Sloth Pet, and Dangle Sloth Pet can eat. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

OLD: A eucalyptus leaf that only the Pillow Sloth Pet, Prone Sloth Pet, and Hanging Sloth Pet can eat. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

NEW: A eucalyptus leaf that only the Pillow Sloth Pet, Prone Sloth Pet, and Dangle Sloth Pet can eat. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Spiegelmann's Magic Hat: Pet
Spiegelmann's Magic Hat: Pet

Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from purchased Spiegelmann's Magic Hat can be traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)

OLD: Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

NEW: Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from purchased Spiegelmann's Magic Hat can be traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)

Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat: Pet
Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat: Pet

Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from purchased Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat can be traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)

OLD: Spiegelmann's Secret Magic Hat. Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat purchased with NX can be traded once before use.

NEW: Double-click to obtain an Illusion Ring that can change your appearance into something special. Items obtained from purchased Spiegelmann's Grand Magic Hat can be traded once before use.
(However, trading is restricted in Heroic Worlds.)


A delicious cake. Recovers 1200 HP and MP.

OLD: MapleStory's 6th Anniversary Cake. Recovers 1200 HP and MP.

NEW: A delicious cake. Recovers 1200 HP and MP.

Strawberry Cream Cake
Strawberry Cream Cake

A delicious cake. Recovers 1400 HP and MP.

OLD: MapleStory 6th Anniversary Cake. Recovers 1400 HP and MP.

NEW: A delicious cake. Recovers 1400 HP and MP.

Chocolate Cream Cake
Chocolate Cream Cake

A delicious cake. Recovers 1600 HP and MP.

OLD: MapleStory 6th Anniversary Cake. Recovers 1600 HP and MP.

NEW: A delicious cake. Recovers 1600 HP and MP.

Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Cake

A delicious cake. Recovers 1800 HP and MP.

OLD: MapleStory 6th Anniversary Cake. Recovers 1800 HP and MP.

NEW: A delicious cake. Recovers 1800 HP and MP.

Sayram's Elixir
Sayram's Elixir

A potion brewed with magic inspired by the legendary hero Sayram's shield.

Max HP/MP +1750
Attack Power & Magic ATT +10%
Attack Power & Magic ATT +50
Boss Damage +10%
Critical Damage +16%
Critical Rate +20%
Duration: 15 min

The potion cannot be used on some maps, and when both the potion and the following buff skills are active, only the highest stat effect will be applied:

Call of the Wild
Sharp Eyes
Decent Sharp Eyes
Advanced Blessing
Decent Advanced Blessing

OLD: Sayram's Elixer

NEW: Sayram's Elixir

Aurelia's Elixir
Aurelia's Elixir

A potion brewed with magic inspired by the legendary hero Aurelia's necklace.

Use the potion to receive a buff that ignores a fatal blow one time.

The potion cannot be used on some maps, and does not stack with the following buff skills:

Might of the Nova
Heaven's Door
Lotus Flower

OLD: Aurelia's Elixer

NEW: Aurelia's Elixir

Sayram's Elixir
Sayram's Elixir

Boss Practice Mode, Fog Forest Training Grounds Exclusive

A potion brewed with magic inspired by the legendary hero Sayram's shield.

Max HP/MP +1750
Attack Power & Magic ATT +10%
Attack Power & Magic ATT +50
Boss Damage +10%
Critical Damage +16%
Critical Rate +20%
Duration: 15 min

The potion cannot be used on some maps, and when both the potion and the following buff skills are active, only the highest stat effect will be applied:

Call of the Wild
Sharp Eyes
Decent Sharp Eyes
Advanced Blessing
Decent Advanced Blessing

OLD: Sayram's Elixer

NEW: Sayram's Elixir

Lovely Scooter 1 Day Use Coupon
Lovely Scooter 1 Day Use Coupon

Double-click to use the mount [Pink Scooter] for 1 day starting today.

OLD: Pink Scooter 1 Day Use Coupon

NEW: Lovely Scooter 1 Day Use Coupon

Lovely Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon
Lovely Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon

Double-click to use the Mount skill [Pink Scooter] for 30 days starting from today.

OLD: Pink Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon

NEW: Lovely Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon

Race Kart 30 Day Use Coupon
Race Kart 30 Day Use Coupon

Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

OLD: Double-click to use the Mount skill [Race Kart] for 30 days starting from today.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

Transformed Robot Mount Coupon
Transformed Robot Mount Coupon

Double-click to gain the Transformed Robot mount skill for 10 days.

OLD: Transformation Robot Mount Coupon

NEW: Transformed Robot Mount Coupon

OLD: Double-click to use the Mount skill [Transformation Robot] for 10 days, starting from today.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Transformed Robot mount skill for 10 days.

Race Kart 7-Day Coupon
Race Kart 7-Day Coupon

Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 7 days.

OLD: Double-click on it to use the Race Kart riding skill for 7 days.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 7 days.

Race Kart 30-Day Coupon
Race Kart 30-Day Coupon

Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

OLD: Double-click on it to use the Race Kart riding skill for 30 days.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

Lovely Scooter 7-Day Coupon
Lovely Scooter 7-Day Coupon

Double-click on it to learn the Pink Scooter riding skill for 7 days.

OLD: Pink Scooter 7-Day Coupon

NEW: Lovely Scooter 7-Day Coupon

Lovely Scooter 30-Day Coupon
Lovely Scooter 30-Day Coupon

A coupon that allows you to use the [Pink Scooter] mount for 30 days.
Double-click on it to use the mount skill.

OLD: Pink Scooter 30-Day Coupon

NEW: Lovely Scooter 30-Day Coupon

Lovely Scooter Mount
Lovely Scooter Mount

Double-click to learn the Pink Scooter mount skill for 7 days.

OLD: Pink Scooter Mount

NEW: Lovely Scooter Mount

Double Transformation Mount 30-Day Coupon
Double Transformation Mount 30-Day Coupon

Double-click to gain the Double Transformed Robot mount skill for 30 days.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

OLD: Double-click to use [Double Transformed Robot Mount] for 30 days from today.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Double Transformed Robot mount skill for 30 days.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

Double Transformation Mount Permanent Coupon
Double Transformation Mount Permanent Coupon

Double-click to gain the Double Transformed Robot mount skill permanently.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

OLD: Double-click to use [Double Transformed Robot Mount] permanently from today.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Double Transformed Robot mount skill permanently.
You can use Jag Jump on this mount even if you don't have the skill.

Double Transformed Robot Mount 30-Day Coupon
Double Transformed Robot Mount 30-Day Coupon

Double-click to gain the Transformed Robot mount skill for 30 days. It can Jag Jump!

OLD: Double-click to get the Transformed Robot mount for 30 days. It can Jag Jump!

NEW: Double-click to gain the Transformed Robot mount skill for 30 days. It can Jag Jump!

Lovely Scooter Mount 30-Day Coupon
Lovely Scooter Mount 30-Day Coupon

Double-click on it to use the [Pink Scooter] mount skill for 30 days.

OLD: Pink Scooter Mount 30-Day Coupon

NEW: Lovely Scooter Mount 30-Day Coupon

Croco Mount 30-Day Coupon
Croco Mount 30-Day Coupon

Double-click on it to use the Croco mount skill for 30 days.

OLD: Croko Mount 30-Day Coupon

NEW: Croco Mount 30-Day Coupon

OLD: Double-click on it to use the [Croko] mount skill for 30 days.

NEW: Double-click on it to use the Croco mount skill for 30 days.

Race Kart Mount 30-Day Coupon
Race Kart Mount 30-Day Coupon

Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

OLD: Double-click on it to use the [Race Kart] mount skill for 30 days.

NEW: Double-click to gain the Race Kart mount skill for 30 days.

Anniversary Equipment Selection Box
Anniversary Equipment Selection Box

Select an anniversary, from 1st to 11th, to get 1 piece of anniversary equipment.
Possible Items
- 1st-2nd Anniversary Set
- 3rd-5th Anniversary Set
- 4th-6th Anniversary Set
- 7th Anniversary Set (Beryl)
- 7th Anniversary Set (Crimson)
- 8th Anniversary Set
- 9th Anniversary Set (Pearl)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx I)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx II)
- 10th Anniversary Set
- 11th Anniversary Set

OLD: Select an anniversary, from 1st to 11th, to get 1 piece of anniversary equipment.
Possible Items
- 1st-2nd Anniversary Set
- 3rd-5th Anniversary Set
- 6th Anniversary Set
- 7th Anniversary Set (Beryl)
- 7th Anniversary Set (Crimson)
- 8th Anniversary Set
- 9th Anniversary Set (Pearl)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx I)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx II)
- 10th Anniversary Set
- 11th Anniversary Set

NEW: Select an anniversary, from 1st to 11th, to get 1 piece of anniversary equipment.
Possible Items
- 1st-2nd Anniversary Set
- 3rd-5th Anniversary Set
- 4th-6th Anniversary Set
- 7th Anniversary Set (Beryl)
- 7th Anniversary Set (Crimson)
- 8th Anniversary Set
- 9th Anniversary Set (Pearl)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx I)
- 9th Anniversary Set (Onyx II)
- 10th Anniversary Set
- 11th Anniversary Set

Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (1 Day) Coupon
Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (1 Day) Coupon

Double-click to receive a Prepared Pendant of the Spirit.

OLD: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit Coupon (1 Day)

NEW: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (1 Day) Coupon

Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (7 Days) Coupon
Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (7 Days) Coupon

Double-click to receive a Prepared Pendant of the Spirit.

OLD: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit Coupon (7 Days)

NEW: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (7 Days) Coupon

Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (14 Days) Coupon
Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (14 Days) Coupon

Double-click to receive a Prepared Pendant of the Spirit.

OLD: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit Coupon (14 Days)

NEW: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit (14 Days) Coupon

Prepared Pendant of the Spirit(30 Days) Coupon
Prepared Pendant of the Spirit(30 Days) Coupon

Double-click to receive a Prepared Pendant of the Spirit.

* Obtained pendant is untradable.

OLD: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit Coupon (30 Days)

NEW: Prepared Pendant of the Spirit(30 Days) Coupon

Golden Hammer 100%
Golden Hammer 100%

100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

OLD: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item. If it fails, you can use an item that restores the upgrade slot you lost.

NEW: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

Golden Hammer 100%
Golden Hammer 100%

100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

OLD: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item. If it fails, you can use an item that restores the upgrade slot you lost.

NEW: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

Golden Hammer 100%
Golden Hammer 100%

100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

OLD: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item. If it fails, you can use an item that restores the upgrade slot you lost.

NEW: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

Golden Hammer 100%
Golden Hammer 100%

100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

OLD: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item. If it fails, you can use an item that restores the upgrade slot you lost.

NEW: 100% chance to add an extra upgrade slot to the equipment item. Can be used only twice per item.

Sacred Symbol Selector x1 Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector x1 Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

Dimension Token Coupon
Dimension Token Coupon

Double-click to get a Dimension Token.

OLD: Festival Record Coupon

NEW: Dimension Token Coupon

OLD: Double-click to get a Festival Record.

NEW: Double-click to get a Dimension Token.

Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon
Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain a Sacred Symbol from a quest you have already completed.
Grand Sacred Symbols aren't available from this item.

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La

- Sacred Symbol: Cernium
- Sacred Symbol: Arcus
- Sacred Symbol: Odium
- Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La
- Sacred Symbol: Arteria
- Sacred Symbol: Carcion

Damage Skin Selection Box
Damage Skin Selection Box

Grants one Damage Skin of your choice.

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred between your characters within the same world.

[Obtainable Items]
- Basic Damage Skin (Unit)
- Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin (Unit)
- Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit)
- Party Quest Damage Skin (Unit)
- Origami Damage Skin (Unit)
- Unripe Tangerine Damage Skin (Unit)
- White Pink Damage Skin (Unit)

OLD: Fairy Bros' Damage Skin (Unit) Selection Box

NEW: Damage Skin Selection Box

OLD: Grants one Fairy Bros' Damage Skin (Unit) of your choice.

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred between your characters within the same world.

NEW: Grants one Damage Skin of your choice.

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred between your characters within the same world.

OLD: [Obtainable Items]
- Basic Damage Skin (Unit)
- Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin (Unit)
- Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit)
- Party Quest Damage Skin (Unit)
- Origami Damage Skin (Unit)
- Unripe Tangerine Damage Skin (Unit)
- (New) White Pink Damage Skin (Unit)

NEW: [Obtainable Items]
- Basic Damage Skin (Unit)
- Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin (Unit)
- Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit)
- Party Quest Damage Skin (Unit)
- Origami Damage Skin (Unit)
- Unripe Tangerine Damage Skin (Unit)
- White Pink Damage Skin (Unit)

Symbol Selector Coupon
Symbol Selector Coupon

Double-click to select and obtain one of the following
- Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon x300
- Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon x60

Obtained items have a 7-day duration and can only be transferred
between your characters within the same world.

OLD: Double-click to select and obtain one of the following items:

NEW: Double-click to select and obtain one of the following

Pink Bundle
Pink Bundle

Double-click to get one of the letters below according to set probability rates.
Medium Rarity: A, I, N, S, V
Low Rarity: B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L, M, O, Q, R, W, X, Y, Z

* The low rarity letters 'B,' 'E,' and 'R' are needed to complete the slogans.

- Medium: 4.5365%, Low: 95.4635%
- All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.

- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

OLD: - Medium: 4.5365%, Low: 95.4635%
- All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.

- Available until MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM UTC.

NEW: - Medium: 4.5365%, Low: 95.4635%
- All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.

- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

Hot Pink Bundle
Hot Pink Bundle

Double-click to get one of the letters below according to set probability rates.
High Rarity: K, P, T, U
- All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

OLD: - All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM UTC.

NEW: - All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

Hot Pink Bundle
Hot Pink Bundle

Double-click to get one of the letters below according to set probability rates.
High Rarity: K, P, T, U
- All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

OLD: - All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM UTC.

NEW: - All letters within each rarity have the same chance of appearing.
- Available until 3/18/2025 11:59 PM UTC.

Bunbun Slippers Coupon
Bunbun Slippers Coupon

Double-click to obtain Bunbun Slippers.

OLD: Snugly Rainbow Coupon

NEW: Bunbun Slippers Coupon

OLD: Double-click to obtain a Snugly Rainbow.

NEW: Double-click to obtain Bunbun Slippers.

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

cursor: Old: 238 -> New: 236

Karma Bright Cube
Karma Bright Cube

A mysterious cube that configures the Potential on a piece of untradable equipment according to set probability rates. Offers you the chance to decide whether or not to apply the new Potential to your item. However, it does not influence Bonus Potentials.
Only usable on items from Rare to Legendary.

cursor: Old: 238 -> New: 236

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

OLD: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

NEW: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

OLD: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

NEW: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

OLD: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

NEW: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Karma Bonus Bright Cube
Karma Bonus Bright Cube

This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

OLD: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of cuntradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

NEW: This cube allows the user to decide if they want to accept the resulting Bonus Potential reset on a piece of untradable equipment before it is completed. Does not affect Potentials.
Only works on items with Rare to Legendary bonus potential.
Max Result: Legendary

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers a small amount of HP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers a small amount of HP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers a small amount of MP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers a small amount of MP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Speed and Jump by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Speed and Jump by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases DEX by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases DEX by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Weapon and Magic DEF by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Weapon and Magic DEF by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Meso Drop Rate by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Meso Drop Rate by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Item Drop Rate by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Item Drop Rate by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Prevents HP loss from drowning in Aquarium.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Prevents HP loss from drowning in Aquarium.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Prevents HP loss from freezing in El Nath.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Prevents HP loss from freezing in El Nath.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Prevents slipping in El Nath.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Prevents slipping in El Nath.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers HP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers HP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers MP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers MP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers HP and MP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers HP and MP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Speed and Jump while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Speed and Jump while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases DEX while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases DEX while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Weapon and Magic DEF while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Weapon and Magic DEF while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Meso Drop Rate while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Meso Drop Rate while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Item Drop Rate while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Item Drop Rate while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Meso and Item Drop Rates by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Meso and Item Drop Rates by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers party member HP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers party member HP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers party member MP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers party member MP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers party member HP and MP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers party member HP and MP continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Speed of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Speed of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Jump of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Jump of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Weapon DEF of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Weapon DEF of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Magic DEF of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Magic DEF of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Speed of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Speed of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Jump of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Jump of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Weapon DEF of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Weapon DEF of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Magic DEF of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Magic DEF of those nearby by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers a large amount of HP and MP continuously while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers a large amount of HP and MP continuously while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases Meso and Item Drop Rates by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases Meso and Item Drop Rates by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Speed of party members while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Speed of party members while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Jump of party members while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Jump of party members while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of party members by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Weapon DEF of party members by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Weapon DEF of party members by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Magic DEF of party members by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Magic DEF of party members by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Continually restores a large amount of HP & MP to nearby allies

OLD: No description available

NEW: Continually restores a large amount of HP & MP to nearby allies

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Recovers the HP and MP of those nearby continuously by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Jump of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Jump of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Weapon DEF of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Weapon DEF of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Magic DEF of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Magic DEF of those nearby by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Speed, Jump, DEX and Weapon/Magic DEF increase by a small amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Speed, Jump, DEX and Weapon/Magic DEF increase by a small amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Speed and Jump of party members increase by a large amount while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Speed and Jump of party members increase by a large amount while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the DEX of party members while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the DEX of party members while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the Weapon and Magic DEF of party members while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the Weapon and Magic DEF of party members while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Increases the STR, INT, DEX and LUK of party members while summoned.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Increases the STR, INT, DEX and LUK of party members while summoned.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a shadow.

Unique Familiar Skill
Unique Familiar Skill

Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

OLD: No description available

NEW: Shrouds your character in a crimson shadow.

Tin Woodman Familiar
Tin Woodman Familiar

OLD: Tin Woodsman Familiar

NEW: Tin Woodman Familiar

Lich Familiar
Lich Familiar

OLD: Riche Familiar

NEW: Lich Familiar

Lich Familiar
Lich Familiar

OLD: Riche Familiar

NEW: Lich Familiar

Pillaging Iron Hog Familiar
Pillaging Iron Hog Familiar

OLD: Iron Boar Raider Familiar

NEW: Pillaging Iron Hog Familiar

Heavy Armor Fragment
Heavy Armor Fragment

A stronger armor fragment, taken from a Pillaging Iron Hog.

OLD: A stronger armor fragment, taken from a Iron Boar Raider.

NEW: A stronger armor fragment, taken from a Pillaging Iron Hog.

Outlaw Hammer
Outlaw Hammer

A hammer used by Menacing Outlaw. It seems difficult to hold with one hand.

OLD: A hammer used by Nasty Outlaw. It seems difficult to hold with one hand.

NEW: A hammer used by Menacing Outlaw. It seems difficult to hold with one hand.

Black Mage's Token
Black Mage's Token

A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Mage.

OLD: A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Magician.

NEW: A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Mage.

Black Mage's Token
Black Mage's Token

A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Mage.

OLD: Black Magician's Token

NEW: Black Mage's Token

OLD: A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Magician.

NEW: A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Mage.

Strong Armor Fragment
Strong Armor Fragment

A stronger armor fragment, taken from an Pillaging Iron Hog. Could be used for making Perion goods.

OLD: A stronger armor fragment, taken from an Iron Boar Raider. Could be used for making Perion goods.

NEW: A stronger armor fragment, taken from an Pillaging Iron Hog. Could be used for making Perion goods.

2024 Blue Dragon Chair
2024 Blue Dragon Chair

Feel the thrill of flying through the sky on the blue dragon!
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

OLD: Blue Dragon Chair

NEW: 2024 Blue Dragon Chair

Inspector Inkwell and Dr. Lim Chair
Inspector Inkwell and Dr. Lim Chair

Hmm. These guys look kinda familiar...
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

OLD: Install 3019441

NEW: Inspector Inkwell and Dr. Lim Chair

OLD: No description available

NEW: Hmm. These guys look kinda familiar...
Restores 100 HP and 100 MP every 10 seconds.

Honey Angel
Honey Angel

A soft and sweet Honey Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

OLD: A soft and sweet Honey Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

NEW: A soft and sweet Honey Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

Lime Angel
Lime Angel

A tart little Lime Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

OLD: A tart little Lime Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

NEW: A tart little Lime Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

Peach Angel
Peach Angel

A completely approachable Peach Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

OLD: A completely approachable Peach Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.

NEW: A completely approachable Peach Angel.
Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.


A super cheerful Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

OLD: A super cheerful Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

NEW: A super cheerful Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.


A frightened little Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

OLD: A frightened little Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

NEW: A frightened little Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.


A spunky and clever Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

OLD: A spunky and clever Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

NEW: A spunky and clever Roo-bot that slipped out of Gelimer's lab during Xenon's escape.
Equip this Roo-bot to obtain the Roo-bot Shuffle skill, which will grow in power as you equip more Roo-bot pets (max 3). This Roo-bot will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on your every 5 minutes.

Dangle Sloth
Dangle Sloth

A Dangle Sloth pet.

OLD: A Hanging Sloth pet.

NEW: A Dangle Sloth pet.

Honey Angel Pet Package
Honey Angel Pet Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Lime Angel Pet Package
Lime Angel Pet Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Peach Angel Pet Package
Peach Angel Pet Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Honey Angel Magic Attack Package
Honey Angel Magic Attack Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Lime Angel Magic Attack Package
Lime Angel Magic Attack Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Peach Angel Magic Attack Package
Peach Angel Magic Attack Package

Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

OLD: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight monsters around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

NEW: Equip to obtain the Angelic Choir Skill, which grows stronger as you equip more Angel pets (max: 3).
This Angel will become bigger as you fight enemies around your level. Eventually, it will reach Giant status and cast a particularly awesome buff on you every 5 minutes.
Magic Duration: 90 days

Chillingly Sweet Sugar Set
Chillingly Sweet Sugar Set

A Chillingly Sweet Sugar set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

OLD: Chilling Sweet Sugar Set

NEW: Chillingly Sweet Sugar Set

OLD: A Chilling Sweet Sugar set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

NEW: A Chillingly Sweet Sugar set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

Chillingly Sweet Honey Set
Chillingly Sweet Honey Set

A Chillingly Sweet Honey set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

OLD: Chilling Sweet Honey Set

NEW: Chillingly Sweet Honey Set

OLD: A Chilling Sweet Honey set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

NEW: A Chillingly Sweet Honey set. Designed by the China MapleStory player wen wen.

Dangle Sloth Pet Set
Dangle Sloth Pet Set

OLD: Hanging Sloth Pet Set

NEW: Dangle Sloth Pet Set

Pillow Sloth
Pillow Sloth

It's a Pillow Sloth pet.

Prone Sloth
Prone Sloth

It's a Prone Sloth pet.

Dangle Sloth
Dangle Sloth

It's a Dangle Sloth pet.


It's a Paraneige pet.


It's a Parapluie pet.


It's a Paraluna pet.

Diamond Cooksta Effect
Diamond Cooksta Effect

This is the impressive Diamond Cooksta Effect.

Double-click to toggle the effect, or designate a hotkey in your Key Config.

Blair Salon Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)
Blair Salon Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Galaxy Hair (M) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Dark Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)
Blair Salon Dark Galaxy Hair Coupon (M)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Dark Galaxy Hair (M) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Stellar Hair Coupon (F)
Blair Salon Stellar Hair Coupon (F)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Stellar Hair (F) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Blair Salon Dark Stellar Hair Coupon (F)
Blair Salon Dark Stellar Hair Coupon (F)

Double-click to change the hairstyle to Dark Stellar Hair (F) once.
Talk to Lauren at the Henesys Hair Salon to change your Android's hair.

Weapon Surprise Style Box
Weapon Surprise Style Box

A box containing a weapon according to set probability. The item is permanent and can be traded once before use. (However, trading is limited in Heroic Worlds.) Double-click from the Cash Shop inventory after purchase to open it.

우비냥이 정어리
우비냥이 정어리

A sardine for Paraneige, Parapluie, and Paraluna. Recovers Fullness completely and increases Closeness by 100.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Gather the Four Perils).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Bankrupt?!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Burn Out...).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Don't Feel Like It).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Sweet Spring Hairpin Surprise Box
Sweet Spring Hairpin Surprise Box

A box containing a sweet spring hairpin. You will randomly receive 1 of the 6 hairpin types. Items in this box are obtained at the same rate.

샤크 스나이퍼 패키지 교환권
샤크 스나이퍼 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 샤크 스나이퍼 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[샤크 스나이퍼 패키지]
- 모자 : 스톰 샤크 캡
- 한벌옷 : 스나이퍼 자켓
- 신발 : 첨벙첨벙 물장구
- 망토 : 상어의 무게
- 무기 : 데스 스나이퍼

데이브 잠수복 패키지 교환권
데이브 잠수복 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 데이브잠수복 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[데이브 잠수복 패키지]
- 모자 : 데이브 잠수모
- 한벌옷 : 데이브 잠수복
- 신발 : 데이브 오리발
- 망토 : 데이브 공기통
- 무기 : 데이브 적재함
- 장갑 : 데이브 장갑

반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지 교환권
반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[반쵸 스시 주방장 패키지]
- 모자 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 헤어밴드
- 한벌옷 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 한벌옷
- 신발 : 반쵸 스시 주방장 신발
- 무기 : 반쵸 일식도
- 눈장식 : 반쵸 선글라스

더프 패키지 교환권
더프 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 더프 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[더프 패키지]
- 모자 : 더프 가발
- 한벌옷 : 더프 한벌옷
- 망토 : 더프의 응원 불빛
- 무기 : 꿈에서 만나
- 눈장식 : 초롱초롱 수면 안대

대왕 오징어 패키지 교환권
대왕 오징어 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 대왕 오징어 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[대왕 오징어 패키지]
- 모자 : 대왕 오징어 인형탈
- 한벌옷 : 대왕 오징어 인형옷
- 신발 : 대왕 오징어 다리
- 장갑 : 대왕 오징어 장갑
- 얼굴장식 : 대왕 오징어의 눈

가돈 패키지 교환권
가돈 패키지 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 가돈 패키지를 획득할 수 있다.

[가돈 패키지]
- 모자 : 가돈 가면
- 한벌옷 : 가돈 한벌옷
- 장갑 : 가돈의 족쇄

메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드 교환권
메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 데이브 더 다이버와 함께한 추억이 담긴 메이플 더 다이버 폴라로이드(의자)를 획득할 수 있다.

벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구) 교환권
벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구) 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 벨루가 택시 라이딩(영구)를 획득할 수 있다.

데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자 6종 교환권
데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자 6종 교환권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 목록의 데이브 더 다이버 파티 포스터 의자를 모두 획득할 수 있다.

- 참치 요트 파티 포스터 의자
- 청새치 파티 포스터 의자
- 해파리 파티 포스터 의자
- 오이 파티 포스터 의자
- 카레 파티 포스터 의자
- 새우 파티 포스터 의자

Igloo Chair Coupon
Igloo Chair Coupon

Double-click to obtain an Igloo Chair.

Soul Teddy Chair Coupon
Soul Teddy Chair Coupon

Double-click to obtain a Soul Teddy Chair.

Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon Voucher
Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon Voucher

Double-click to obtain a Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon.

Azmoth Potion
Azmoth Potion

An elixir containing the magic of Azmoth Chasm.

20% Additional EXP Earned
Duration: 30 min

Stacks with other EXP increasing effects.
Effect persists even after logging out and back in again.

4x EXP Coupon (30 min)
4x EXP Coupon (30 min)

Double-click to receive a 4x EXP buff for 30 minutes.

Effect does not stack with similar event buffs.

4x EXP Coupon (30 min)
4x EXP Coupon (30 min)

Double-click to receive a 4x EXP buff for 30 minutes.

Effect does not stack with similar event buffs.

Luxe Sauna Coupon
Luxe Sauna Coupon

Double-click to restore 30 minutes of Luxe Sauna usage.
* You will no longer gain any usage time benefits once the event is over.
* Cannot be used after the event period is over.

Azmoth Coin x1 Coupon
Azmoth Coin x1 Coupon

Double-click to get Azmoth Coin x1.

Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon
Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon

Double-click to get the Apprentice Witch Hallowkitty Chat Emoticon (Group) for your current character.

초밥 모자 선택권
초밥 모자 선택권

더블클릭하면 아래의 모자 중 하나를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 계란 초밥 모자
- 새우 초밥 모자
- 참치 초밥 모자

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

데이브 평상복 세트 교환권
데이브 평상복 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 데이브 평상복 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 데이브의 모자 (모자)
- 데이브의 평상복 (한벌옷)
- 데이브의 신발 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트 교환권
반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 반쵸 호텔 요리사 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 가발 (모자)
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 의상 (한벌옷)
- 반쵸 호텔 요리사 신발 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

코브라 하와이안 의상 세트 교환권
코브라 하와이안 의상 세트 교환권

더블클릭하면 코브라 하와이안 의상 세트를 받을 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 코브라 하와이안 선글라스 (눈장식)
- 코브라 하와이안 의상 (한벌옷)
- 코브라 하와이안 구두 (신발)

※ 획득한 아이템은 교환 불가, 영구

데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 선택권
데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 선택권

더블클릭하여 사용하면 아래 데이브 더 다이버 안드로이드 중 하나를 선택하여 획득할 수 있다.
[획득 가능 아이템]
- 리튬 하트 (교환 불가, 영구)

[선택 가능 아이템]
- 데이브로이드
- 반쵸로이드
- 코브라로이드

Advanced EXP Voucher
Advanced EXP Voucher

Double-click to get EXP that fits your character's current level.
* Only Lv. 260+ characters can use this.
* In the case of Zero, only Lv. 260+ characters who have completed Story Quest Act 2 can use this.
* Lv. 290+ characters will get the same amount of
EXP as they would at Lv. 290.

Dream Bear Set
Dream Bear Set

Double-click to receive the Dream Bear Set.
[Obtainable Items]
- Dream Bear Mask (Hat)
- Dream Bear Costume (Outfit)
- Dream Bear Gloves (Gloves)
- Dream Bear Tail (Cape)
- Jelly Bubble Balloon (Weapon)
Caution! If you equip this item with other items that are not part of the Outfit set, the game may not display the character's image as intended.

Permanent Pocket Watch Mount Coupon
Permanent Pocket Watch Mount Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Permanent Pocket Watch Mount.

Dimensional Guardian Set Coupon
Dimensional Guardian Set Coupon

Double-click to obtain an outfit of your choice and the following clothing.

- Dimensional Guardian Uniform (M)
- Dimensional Guardian Dress (F)

[Always Included]
- Dimensional Guardian Hairpin
- Dimensional Guardian Boots
- Dimensional Guardian Symbol
- Dimensional Pendulum

Masquerade Mask Selector Coupon
Masquerade Mask Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following items:

Fearful Masquerade Mask
- Scary Masquerade Mask
- Smiling Masquerade Mask
- Crying Masquerade Mask
- Gloomy Masquerade Mask

Mask Selector Coupon
Mask Selector Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain one of the following items:

- Smiling Mask
- Crying Mask
- Angry Mask
- Sad Mask

Sopheliaroid Coupon
Sopheliaroid Coupon

Double-click to receive a Sopheliaroid and a Permanent Lidium Heart.

Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount Coupon
Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Permanent Bejeweled Sea Horse Mount.

Halloween Background Coupon
Halloween Background Coupon

Double-click to obtain the
Halloween Background.

Backgrounds can be applied to
all your characters within the
same world.

Halloween Background Coupon
Halloween Background Coupon

Double-click to obtain the
Halloween Background.

Backgrounds can be applied to
all your characters within the
same world.

Althea's Mapae Fragment
Althea's Mapae Fragment

Double-click to investigate the mapae.

Dream Voyage Shoes Coupon
Dream Voyage Shoes Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either the Dream Voyage Shoes (M) or the Dream Voyage Heels (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Cape Coupon
Dream Voyage Cape Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Dream Voyager.

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Outfit Coupon
Dream Voyage Outfit Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either a Dream Voyage Suit (M) or a Dream Voyage Dress (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Hat Coupon
Dream Voyage Hat Coupon

Double-click to choose and obtain either a Dream Voyage Hat (M) or a Dream Voyage Beret (F).

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Dream Voyage Weapon Coupon
Dream Voyage Weapon Coupon

Double-click to obtain the Dream Wheel.

Obtained item is permanent and cannot be traded.

Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Pink Bean Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Pink Bean Bouncy Ball mount skill.

Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Yeti Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Yeti Bouncy Ball mount skill.

Slime Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon
Slime Bouncy Ball Mount (90 Days) Coupon

Double-click to gain the Slime Bouncy Ball Mount skill for 90 days.

Permanent Slime Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon
Permanent Slime Bouncy Ball Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Slime Bouncy Ball mount skill.

6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons Coupon
6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons Coupon

Double-click to get 6 Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticons for your current character.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (I Surrender!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Gather the Four Perils)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Gather the Four Perils).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Scatter, My Mesos!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Bankrupt?!)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Bankrupt?!).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Burn Out...)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Burn Out...).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)
Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon Coupon (Don't Feel Like It)

Double-click to obtain the Tomboy Kaling Chat Emoticon coupon (Don't Feel Like It).
Chat Emoticons appear in overhead chat bubbles.

Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon
Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart Coupon

Double-click to obtain Grand Sacred Symbol: Tallahart.

Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon
Permanent Surfin' Safari Mount Coupon

Double-click to permanently gain the Surfin' Safari mount skill.

Karma Star Force 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160)
Karma Star Force 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160)

Enhances the Star Force of Lv. 160 or lower equipment with no remaining upgrades to a set amount, and does not receive the Guardian Scrolls effect.

Cannot be used on equipment that has already exceeded its enhancement count, on equipment whose max enhance count is lower than the set enhance count, or on superior equipment items.

Success Rate: 100%
Enhances the Star Force level of equipment with no remaining upgrades to 20.

Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)
Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)
Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol)

Applies the Meow Punch Damage Skin (Symbol).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)
Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)
Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit)

Made with Love Choco Damage Skin (Unit).

Once used, it will remain applied until you replace it
with another damage skin.

블루홀 추가 입장권
블루홀 추가 입장권

블루홀에 입장할 수 있는 입장권이다.

다이버 토큰 10,000개
다이버 토큰 10,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 20,000개
다이버 토큰 20,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 30,000개
다이버 토큰 30,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰 50,000개
다이버 토큰 50,000개

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

다이버 토큰
다이버 토큰

세이브 더 다이버토큰샵에서 사용할 수 있다.

Azmoth Coin
Azmoth Coin

Can be used at the Azmoth Coin Shop in Azmoth Chasm.

Dimension Token
Dimension Token

Can be used at the Dimension Token Shop in Dimensional Chaos.

Maple the Diver Full Package
Maple the Diver Full Package
Dave's Diving Suit Package
Dave's Diving Suit Package
Bancho Sushi Chef Package
Bancho Sushi Chef Package
Duff Package
Duff Package
Giant Squid Package
Giant Squid Package
Gadon Package
Gadon Package
Odette Package (F)
Odette Package (F)

A package that makes you resemble the beautiful white swan Odette.

Odile Package (F)
Odile Package (F)

A package that makes you resemble the beautiful black swan Odile.